When to plant roses in the open ground?

A beautiful rose garden is a visiting card of the infield. All other flowers fade in front of this garden beauty! And that article will deal with when to plant roses in open ground is better. The Soviets and readers will be shared by experienced gardeners who have already succeeded in this difficult task.

General information

The opinion of when to plant roses in the open ground, is ambiguous. Some are convinced that it is best to do this in the fall, others in the summer, and we will invite readers to plant roses in the open ground in the spring.

The choice of a place for the future rosary is a very important step, and the future success in this matter depends very much on it. It is best to grow roses in the open ground on flat areas that are hidden from the winds.

In principle, this plant does not feel bad on any soil, but the best composition of soil for growing roses is loam with the addition of a small amount of humus, peat or compost. Also, experts recommend adding to the soil by half a bucket of washed river sand for every square meter of the future rosary. Organics are brought in during the autumn or spring digging of the site, and digging should be approximately to a depth of about half a meter. Mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil only after analysis of the soil layer. Without a special need to do this is not necessary.

If you stocked seedlings in advance, it makes sense to learn how to keep the rose not overgrown before planting in the soil. The best way is to wrap each seedling with a newspaper sprinkled with a solution of potassium permanganate, and a layer of perforated film can be applied from above. After this, the seedlings are recommended to be placed in the basement, and ideally in the refrigerator. It is advisable that the temperature be within 0 - +4 degrees. They should be stored exclusively in an upright position, and it is also recommended that they be periodically checked for bacterial diseases.

Planting and care

The place is chosen, the seedlings are successfully preserved before planting, it's time to learn a little more about the agrotechnics of planting and growing roses in the open ground. Initially, we will define the time for transplanting roses in the spring into the ground. The optimal period is from 5 to 20 April. Now let's figure out how to properly plant a rose in the ground so that it does not hurt and quickly starts in a new place.

Under each bush of this plant should prepare a planting hole size 40x40 centimeters. Immediately before the planting, the roots of the seedlings are cut to 25-20 centimeters. If this is not done, then the bush will rapidly pass through the nutrient layer of the soil, and this plant can starve. Choose the strongest and strong shoots on the seedlings, leave no more than four, the others cut off. Then we lower the seedling in the hole, spread its roots all over its surface, and begin to sprinkle the plant with earth, periodically tamp it slightly. Then we provide copious watering and hump the bush up to the line of pruning of shoots.

If everything is done correctly, then very soon the plant will take a new place and enter the active phase of vegetative growth. It can be determined by the growth of young shoots. After that, the soil collected around the plant when hilling, gradually rake off. Watering is abundant 2-3 times a week, not more. If the spring is hot, then at the base of the bush it is recommended to mulch additional straw or branches of coniferous plants.

Adhering to this technique, you can easily acquire a beautiful rose garden on your site. After the roses blossom, you will be surprised how much everything around will change!