The thread of Ariadne - who is Ariadne in Greek mythology?

The phraseology "the thread of Ariadne" came from the history of the Hellenes and retained its importance until the present century. From Greek myths it is known that the beautiful Ariadne with the help of a ball created a way out of the labyrinth, so the second name of this thread is guiding. Whom did this girl save, and why did the gods of Olympus intervene in her destiny?

What does the expression "Ariadne's thread" mean?

The phraseology "Ariadne's thread" is one of the few that has not changed its meaning over the centuries. The story of Theseus, to whom the guiding thread of Ariadne helped to get out of the maze, is the best explanation of the meaning of this expression. His figurative meaning linguists explain how:

Who is Ariadne in Greek mythology?

Ariadne in mythology - daughter of the ruler of Crete Minos and Pasiphae, was brought up on the island. Entered the legend, thanks to the intervention in the fate of the great hero of Greece Theseus. The girl helped the daredevil get out of the labyrinth, where he battled the monster, who was sacrificed to people. Realizing that they will be overtaken by the wrath of the ruler, the lovers fled to Athens, to the father of Theseus. But then the gods of Olympus interfered in the fate of the girl. There are several versions about the further fate of the savior of the hero:

  1. The gods ordered Theseus to leave the girl on the island of Naxos, where she was killed by the arrow of the goddess of hunting Artemis.
  2. When the winner of the Minotaur landed Ariadne on Naxos, she was chosen by the god Dionysus. He gave a beautiful diamond crown, a legend has been preserved, supposedly this decoration is stored in the sky, like the constellation of the Northern Crown.
  3. Theseus escaped from Crete alone, and Ariadne died in childbirth, her grave was in the grove of Aphrodite for a long time.

Myths of Ancient Greece - Ariadne's thread

The myth of Ariadne is part of the myth about the exploit of Theseus, one of the most famous heroes of the Greek epic. His father was also called the Athenian king Egeya, and the god Poseidon . The king of Athens left the boy with his mother in the city of Trezene, ordering him to be sent when he reached adulthood. On the way to his father, the young man committed many exploits, was recognized prince.

What is Ariadne's thread?

The myth tells of the heroic deed of Theseus, who went to Crete to defeat the Minotaur. The monster each year required the victims of seven young people. So that it does not break free, it was kept in a labyrinth built by the great scientist Daedalus. The daughter of King Krit Ariadne fell in love with Theseus and risked helping, although she realized that she would provoke the wrath of the ruler.

The girl knew that even if the hero defeated the Minotaur, he could not leave the labyrinth. How did Ariadne help Theseus? Secretly handed the ball of thread. Brave tied a thread near the entrance to the gallery and unwound on the road. Battling the monster, the hero on this trail was able to go back and bring all those sentenced to the victim by the Minotaur. Ariadne's thread is a way out of a difficult situation, she pointed the road, so it is also called a guiding light.

Ariadne and Theseus - myth

It is believed that Theseus and Ariadne are the heroes of the legend of courage, love and self-sacrifice. But according to one of the versions, the love for Theseus was born in the heart of the princess by the goddess of beauty Aphrodite, who liked the hero. According to another version, the Minotaur was the brother of Ariadne, who was ashamed and afraid of the family, so they did not want to be related to the rulers of Crete. This was the reason that the princess decided to help the hero: to find her husband and get out of the island.

Some Greek proponents argued that Ariadne allegedly passed the brave man not only a ball of threads, but also an invincible sword of his father, only such a weapon could be hit by a monster. And when the lovers returned by sea to Athens, King Minos begged the gods to return his daughter, and the beauty was abducted from the ship. In retaliation for Theseus, a white sail was thrown into the sea, which was to become a sign of victory for the ruler of Athens. Seeing on the horizon a black color, he rushed with grief from the rock, and the king proclaimed the hero of Theseus.