God of water

Water for man is important, because without it it is simply impossible to live. That is why almost every culture had its own deity responsible for this element. People revered them, offered sacrifices and dedicated their holidays.

God of water in Greece

Poseidon (Neptune in the Romans) is a brother of Zeus. He was considered the god of the sea kingdom. The Greeks were afraid of him, because they believed that he had to do with all the fluctuations of the soil. For example, when the earthquake began, Poseidon was sacrificed to end it. This god was revered by navigators and merchants. They asked him to ensure a smooth move and success in the trade. The Greeks dedicated to this god a huge number of altars and temples. In honor of Poseidon, sports games were organized, among which the most popular are the Isthmian Games - a Greek holiday, celebrated every four years.

God of water Poseidon is a majestic middle-aged man with long hair fluttering in the wind. He has, like Zeus, a beard. On his head is a wreath made of seaweed. According to mythology in hand, the god of water Poseidon holds a trident, with which he caused fluctuations in the earth, waves in the sea, etc. In addition, he plays the role of harpoon, which is caught by the fish. Because of this, Poseidon was also called the patron of fishermen. Sometimes it was portrayed not only with a trident, but also with a dolphin in the other hand. This god of water was distinguished by his stormy temperament. He often showed his cruelty, irritation and vindictiveness. To reassure the storm, Poseidon needed only to rush over the sea in his own golden chariot, which was harnessed by white horses with golden manes. Around Poseidon there were always many sea monsters.

God of water in Egypt

Sebek is included in the list of the most ancient gods of Egypt. Most often it was portrayed in human form, but with the head of a crocodile. Although there is a reverse image, when the body is a crocodile, and the head of a person. He has earrings in his ears, and bracelets on his paws. The hieroglyph of this god is a crocodile on a pedestal. There is an assumption that there were several ancient gods of water that replaced each other due to the death of the previous one. Despite the malicious image, people did not consider Sebek a negative character. The Egyptians believed that from the feet of this god flows the Nile. He was also called the patron of fertility. Fishermen and hunters prayed to him, and asked to help the souls of the dead.