Ankh meaning

Today, very many wear jewelry in the form of ancient signs and symbols, and even make tattoos. True, not everyone understands their meaning, paying attention only to the intricacy of the sign. That's the meaning of one very popular symbol - the Egyptian cross ankh, we'll figure it out.

What does ankhkh mean?

In Egyptian culture there is an amazing connection between the image and the word. Hieroglyphs represent a whole symbolic system that brings the knowledge, protection and patronage of the gods. Many hieroglyphs were part of powerful amulets or were independent security symbols. Among these signs, one of the most famous is the ankh. The meaning of the hieroglyph ankh is "life", but the symbol speaks of immortality. E.P. Blavatsky in the "Secret Doctrine" considers the ankh as the union of the cross, which is the symbol of life, and the circle - the symbol of eternity. That is, the Egyptian cross is beyond doubt the designation of eternal life. But still, its meaning is deeper than the usual sign of life, since the ankh hints at the transformation of life processes. Also, the Egyptian cross with a handle can be regarded as a combination of female and male characters - Isis and Osiris, an alliance of the earthly and heavenly. From the esoteric point of view, ankh means the formation of animal life and humanity from the spiritual, divine circle, with the subsequent fall into the masculine and feminine.

What does tatu ankh mean?

If we talk about the meaning of a tattoo with an ankh, it does not have such a profound meaning. Yes, and doing such a tattoo more often pay attention to the beauty of the symbol and its ability to organically fit into the picture, rather than the meaning of the ancient sign. But not everyone does this, those who are interested in the value of tatu ankh make it in the hope of gaining a strong amulet. The symbol is regarded as the key to life, so many hope, having made a drawing, to get protection from deadly danger. Also, a tattoo with an Egyptian cross, which is a symbol of the unification of the male and female beginnings, can bring harmony in relationships and improve the sexual life of the possessor.

Of course, ankh is a very beautiful symbol, it fits perfectly with other Egyptian and religious motifs in tattoos, but the combination should be considered in advance. For example, it is often possible to find a combination of a Christian cross and an ankh sign. On the one hand, there is nothing terrible here - both cross symbolically reflect the male and female origin, but still they have many differences, due to which the tattoo at best becomes an empty picture, and at worst - will bring to its owner disharmony, the result of which will be small and major life troubles.