Are there unicorns?

There are many interesting legends and myths associated with fantastic unicorns that led their wanderers into a world of dreams and real beauty. But, who knows, is it true that unicorns exist in our time or is it a figment of our imagination or a story from a good tale?

Today people believe that a unicorn is a fairy-tale animal that looks like a horse of white color. This horse is very graceful and insanely beautiful. The only thing that distinguishes it from ordinary horses is the presence of one horn in the middle of the forehead. It is the horn that tells people about his super abilities . Ironically, even in the collection of witch recipes, one of the main ingredients is the horn of this creature. And many witches of that time considered, if to meet on their way a unicorn, then a man is in great happiness . Of course, maybe someone will wonder if unicorns really existed at that time, but every word of faith of different nations is constantly transmitted from mouth to mouth.

Origin of creatures

As the first unicorns appeared, Indians can tell, only they gave them another name - kartozones. Even more information and evidence that unicorns exist can be found by referring to the annals of Ancient Rus, where there are facts showing the life of unicorns on our territory. The ancient Russians claimed that the unicorns were created specifically to fight evil, and all their strength was in the horn.

Are there unicorns?

Since ancient times, people have wondered if there really are unicorns in our life. And those who claimed that they really existed, wanted to tame them, that they bring happiness, and also take possession of the whole world.

As you can guess, in big cities, such a creature is not to be found, so some are wondering if there are unicorns in our time and where they can be seen. A habitual environment for their dwelling is considered to be impassable forests, where they can hide from a large crowd of people. Their favorite place where they graze are shady clearings, covered with dense branches, and they receive a supply of water from transparent springs with the purest water. Surely, now in the head of each slipped the idea that such places simply do not exist, but this is just a fraction of doubts. These places on the Earth still remain, but the question of the existence of unicorns has neither confirmation nor refutation.