How to learn to guess?

Fortune-telling is an ancient custom that helps to make the right decision with the complexities and problems in life. There are a lot of ways to know your future, but before learning how to guess for the future or for love, you should learn the general rules of divination.

How to learn to guess: the basic rules

To achieve a truthful answer to your questions, learn to guess by the rules. First, never guess for fun or in a hurry. This is a serious occupation, requiring a special attitude, concentration and tranquility. Before divination, it is worthwhile to sit alone and tune in to it. It is contraindicated to guess in narcotic or alcoholic intoxication, with the included TV, playing music.

Attributes of fortune telling (maps, runes, coins, etc.) are your working tools, to which you must be treated with respect. You can not transfer them to other people, use them for any other purposes, for example, play them. Keep the tools for divination in a separate place, in a box or bag.

Interpretation of the results of divination

In the process of divination, answers come to a person from the information layers of the universe, from his subconscious. All the predicted is just one of the variants of the development of events, and fortune-telling comes true only if the existing conditions are preserved, that is, they are relevant only at this point in time.

The second important point is the interpretation of the predicted. There is a lot of decoding of symbols when guessing on coffee, layouts - with card guessing, etc. However, ready answers are only partly to be believed, because the Universe in this case speaks to you, and not to the compiler of the interpretation. For example, the Queen of Spades is almost always associated with misfortunes. But if you do not cause negative emotions, you need to listen to your subconscious.

The conclusion from all of the above is one: one can learn to guess by the rules, but the heart will help you to interpret the results. Believe in yourself and your strengths, develop your intuition and ability to focus, and you will certainly learn to guess!