How to freeze pepper for the winter?

Frozen pepper is the ideal preparation for any hostess, for the winter. It is very convenient to add to various dishes. Frozen pepper for the winter - the occupation is quite easy and any person can handle it. If, nevertheless, you still doubt a little, we will be happy to tell you how to freeze sweet pepper and get vitamins the whole winter.

How to prepare the Bulgarian pepper for freezing?

For frost, it is best to use large ripe fruits with thick walls. It is such a pepper has a bright taste and much longer retains all its taste. So, having decided to freeze this vegetable for the winter, the pepper pods are first thoroughly washed under cold water, dried on a towel, carefully cut off the leg and gently scrub all the seeds.

How to freeze Bulgarian pepper?

There are several ways to freeze sweet Bulgarian pepper . For example, for stuffing, we need to leave the prepared vegetables whole and put them neatly together. As a result, you should get a "turret", which we immediately remove into the freezer. As for the second method, here, the cooked washed and peeled pepper is cut into small pieces and placed in special bags for freezing.

Tableware for the freezing of Bulgarian pepper

If there is an average pallet in your freezer, then it is great for such a preparation. But if there are only standard shelves in the camera, then you need to prepare a plastic tray in advance, which will not freeze to the walls of the freezer. Prepared tray pre-lined with a cotton clean cloth, then spread out the "turrets" or pour out pieces of pepper. We cover the vegetable blank from above with a clean cloth, so that there are no crevices, and we send vegetables to the freezer. Usually the term of freezing depends directly on the number of peppers and does not exceed 2 days. After full frost, we arrange the vegetables in packages and tightly tie them. If the bags are holes, the pepper will quickly wither and lose its useful properties. But the correctly packed pepper, you have it all winter, until the new harvest.

How to use frozen sweet pepper?

Use the frozen vegetable as follows: pour it into a saucepan, fill it with cool water and soak for several seconds. When the pepper is a little podtata, we add it to any dish.