Caviar roe for the winter

Caviar from courgettes is a very popular vegetable snack in our country. Especially in the cold season it's so good to open a jar of caviar and cook sandwiches - it's quick and tasty. You can, of course, buy a zucchini game of industrial preparation in the store, but it is better to prepare it yourself. How to cook caviar? There are many recipes and methods.

Option 1



Squash, carrots and onions are cleaned, cut and fried separately. Strongly not fry. Then all the roasted ingredients are put into the combine parts and crushed to the state of homogeneous puree.

Now put the mashed potatoes in one container (large cauldron) and mix thoroughly.

Kazan put on the smallest fire and extinguish for 40 minutes (during the process of quenching the eggs periodically stir to avoid burning).

20 minutes after the beginning of the stew add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 2-4 tablespoons of tomato paste and salt to taste. We mix everything and start laying eggs in sterilized jars, which we spin. Banks, inverted, wrapped in an old blanket and leave for a day, after which you can put them on a rack in the cellar or on the glass balcony.

Caviar from courgettes for the winter is a very reasonable and profitable harvest.

Option 2

Here is another recipe for tasty caviar.



First, we shall grind the onion well and fry it in a frying pan in oil. We will clean zucchini and crush a knife or scroll them through a meat grinder with a large nozzle (you can use a combine or chopper). We poured some oil on the bottom and put a crushed mass of zucchini there, put it out for 5 minutes, then add the roasted onion, mix it and put it out until it is ready. 10 minutes before the end of the process, chop the peppers and tomatoes. For 3-4 minutes before the end of the process, add crushed herbs and garlic, add dry spices, add salt, mix and cover with a lid. Let's cool down and you can serve.

Eggplant caviar and courgette



Eggplant lightly boil in salted water and finely chopped. Zucchini clear of peel, seeds and cut into slices. We rub the carrots on a large grater. Peeled onions and tomatoes finely chopped. You can, of course, for grinding vegetables use a combine or chopper. We mix zucchini, onions, tomatoes and carrots, we will let out on vegetable oil (in a large cauldron). Add the eggplants to the cauldron, add salt and mix. Put the cauldron on the fire and protushim for 30-40 minutes. Crushed garlic is added at the very end. Boiling mass will be put in clean jars, we cover with lids and we bottle the jars for 30 minutes, half liter - 20 minutes. And now you can roll up. We turn the banks and wrap it for a day.

Preservation of squash caviar is generally a simple process. Vinegar should be taken only white, 6- or 9-percent.

Caviar should be placed only in well-sterilized (above water steam 3-4 minutes) cans and use only sterilized (boiled minutes 5) caps. You can, of course, sterilize caviar in cans under the lids for reliability, but the bulk of housewives do without it - canned caviar with the regime of preparation and the proportions of the recipe is kept quite well until next summer.