How to freeze greens for the winter?

Of the many methods of harvesting fresh greens for future use, frost is the most preferable. Thus, the maximum of useful substances, vitamins and, of course, taste and aroma are preserved.

What kind of greenery can be frozen for the winter?

Virtually any greens can be frozen and stored in a freezer for up to a year. Exceptions are salad leaves that do not stand cold tests, lose their structure and become unsuitable for use. In general, replenishing your supplies for the winter, you need to rely on your taste and needs for cooking.

How to freeze greens in the freezer for the winter, keeping all the vitamins?

After determining the choice of green for harvesting for the winter, you need to choose the most suitable and convenient, specifically for you, way of freezing.

In any case, to begin with, we thoroughly wash the spicy twigs, let the water drain, and lay them on the towel to dry for about one and a half to two hours. At this time, periodically shake the green bucket and raise the lower layers upward.

The drying procedure can be skipped if you decide to freeze fresh greens in ice molds. To do this, wash the green foliage in the cells, fill it with water and put it in the cell to freeze. Then you can put spicy ice cubes in a bag or a plastic container, or you can leave them in molds, if you have a lot of them. In winter, it is enough to throw one or more cubes into a pan at the end of cooking and the dish will be filled with summer and fresh aroma.

If you do not have much space in the freezer, then it's more practical to freeze washed and dried greens with whole branches or immediately cut it the way you are used to using in dishes. To do this, add small portions of packages, compress to remove air, tie up and send to the camera. If the air is not released, then after freezing it will turn into ice and the greens will not be so easily separated as needed.

You can freeze the greens and in containers, plastic or silicone, but for this, you need to pre- freeze small portions of decomposed twigs or sliced ​​mass, and then folded into a container.

The maximum of vitamins is preserved in greenery when frozen in freezers, which have the function of quick freezing. If there is no such function in your refrigerator, then the most suitable way for you is the one where the greens are frozen in small portions and thus defrost faster.

Now you know how to freeze greens for the winter. It remains only to perform a few simple actions, and you will be able to enjoy summer notes in the taste of cooked dishes all year round.