Salting salad at home

Salting salad at home is considered to be a process intended only for craftsmen in the kitchen. In fact, this procedure is feasible even for those who cook with "you." After all, an excellent result provides not only a good recipe (which we will share with you below), but also a properly selected piece. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the quality of the salted cut, and only then proceed to the selection of the method of salting.

Recipe for dry salting of lard with garlic at home

The most common is dry fat salting, in which the slice is abundantly sprinkled with salt, possibly with the addition of spices, and then left for several days.



Pour about a glass of salt in a glass or plastic dish, and on top place a piece of fat, pre-rinsing it and drying it. On top of the piece spread the leaves of the laurel, add the peas of pepper and crushed chives of garlic. Sprinkle all the flakes of hot pepper and cover with the remaining salt. Leave a piece of fat in the fridge for 3-4 days, and on readiness remove excess salt from the surface and cut the slice thin slices before tasting.

Lard salad at home in the bank

Hot salting at home is possible even without adding water. In this case, the piece is heavily seasoned, sent to a jar, and then dishes with bacon are placed on a water bath. Thanks to the effect of heat, all flavors and aromas impregnate fat, and the absence of liquid helps to avoid watering.



After rinsing and drying a piece of fat, make in it thin, but deep incisions and put in each chopped chives of garlic. Outside, grate the mixture with a mixture of laurel, pepper and cumin. Place the lard in a jar and close it gently with a lid. Put a container with a piece in a saucepan and pour water. To the bank does not float, place the load on top. Leave the bacon for an hour and a half, then remove a piece from the container and completely cool it, and it's better to freeze it before tasting.

Delicious lard salad with garlic at home



In a liter of warm water completely dissolve two cups of salt, pour in vinegar, put laurel and onion husks. Boil brine about 5 minutes after boiling. Slices of fat rub rubbed in a mortar of garlic. Put the lard in a hot brine and leave for a day at room temperature. After a lapse of time, the fat is dried and frozen before the tasting.

Quick salting in the home



In order to salo salted faster, it is enough to cut it into pieces. Each of the medium-sized pieces is abundantly covered with a large amount of salt mixed with pepper and chopped garlic. Put the slices of bacon in a bag, you can add crushed garlic cloves and laurel. After, leave the fat at room temperature for 12 hours. Clean excess salt from the surface. Before consumption, fat should certainly be cooled, preferably, place it in the freezer for another half a day, so it will be tastier and easier to cut.