Controlling emotions

Emotions allow the person to express their feelings, but sometimes in critical situations to restrain and control them does not work. As a result, it becomes the cause of various conflicts and problems, because in such situations one can not reasonably think. In psychology, there are tips to exercise control of emotions . It is important to understand what to control, this does not mean to restrain, because the internal accumulation of emotions also has a negative effect on the person's condition.

How to learn to keep emotions under control?

There are several simple rules that have been identified by psychologists due to numerous experiments. It is proved that using them in your life, you can already get a good result in a short time.

How to make emotions under control:

  1. Learn to stop so as not to cross the line. When there is a feeling that emotions are off scale, you need to stop and look at yourself from the side. Analyzing the situation, you can focus on the problem and make the right decision.
  2. It is important to avoid situations that cause unpleasant emotions. The fact that there are emotional overloads, signal various symptoms of physical ailment.
  3. Control of emotions can be done with the help of breathing. Psychologists recommend practicing deep breathing, which will saturate the brain with oxygen and relax. It's very simple: you need to inhale slowly into five accounts, and then, for a couple of seconds, hold your breath and exhale slowly. Repeat all at least 10 times.
  4. If a person does not know how to control their emotions, then it is worthwhile to avoid companies that like to "make noise." It has long been proven that people easily adopt the emotions of others. By the way, do not forget about the existence of people, the so-called energy vampires , which specifically lead others to emotions.
  5. To control emotions in psychology, it is recommended to create around yourself the most comfortable conditions. Do a rearrangement at home and in the workplace, surrounding yourself with positive emotions.
  6. Find a lesson for yourself that will allow you to emotionally unload, for example, it can be any hobby, playing sports, etc.
  7. Experts recommend periodically to make an inventory in your head. Getting rid of the negative and making the right conclusions from the situation.

By practicing the suggested advice, you can learn to control yourself in extreme situations.