Laser biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid is the most important component of the dermal layer of the skin, which has a moisturizing and restructuring effect. One molecule of this substance is able to hold up to 500 water molecules, providing maximum moisturizing of the skin. Hyaluronic acid also activates fibroblast cells that produce collagen. As is known, collagen provides the skin with strength and elasticity.

Another useful property of hyaluronic acid is its antioxidant effect. Those. it neutralizes free radicals by blocking oxidation processes.

After the age of thirty, the amount of hyaluronic acid begins to decrease significantly, so wrinkles appear actively.

Methods of biorevitalization, contraindications and possible consequences

Hyaluronic acid is usually found in cosmetics, but with their help it acts only on the surface of the skin. To deliver it to the deeper layers of the skin, the injection technique is used by various preparations containing hyaluronic acid. After injection biorevitalization, there are side effects:

Such complications after biorevitalization by injection technique, such as bleeding, erythroma and leukoderma, can be for the following reasons:

More comfortable and effective modern hardware method of laser biorevitalization. Side effects after laser biorevitalization do not occur if contraindications are observed:

The method of laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

During the procedure, after cleansing the skin, a gel containing hyaluronic acid is applied. Further, under the influence of a special athermal infrared laser, the substance penetrates into the surface and deep layers of the skin. There, hyaluronic acid molecules are embedded in the intercellular matrix, attaching a large amount of water.

When the athermal laser is applied, there is an additional stimulation of the skin cells, the metabolic and synthetic processes are intensified. Improves the production of its own gilauric acid, as well as collagen, matrix, elastin. Also increases local immunity, blood circulation, improves the skin condition with acne.

Laser biorevitalization is performed for the skin of the face, the area around the eyes, neck, decollete, hands and other areas. Biorevitalization of the lips can visually increase their volume and smooth out the perioral wrinkles (around the mouth).

The course of laser biorevitalization is usually up to six procedures at an interval of a week. The effect lasts for six months.

There are also versions of the laser biorevitalization technique for conducting at home. In this case, unlike professional equipment, the power of the emitters is less. When receiving specialist advice it is quite possible to conduct such procedures at home. But with injection methods it is better not to take risks, because at home it is very difficult to create complete sterility, and only a doctor should inject.

Face care after biorevitalization

The first one - two days after the procedure should be abandoned makeup, face massage and use care products on the advice of a specialist.