Podkozhnye pimples on the face - you can not press, heal!

Subcutaneous acne on the face is usually called boils. They are considered one of the most unpleasant dermatological diseases. Inflammation develops inside, it hurts and does not look good. Another disadvantage is that abscesses are hard to treat. Therefore, when starting therapy, it is better to have patience.

Why do subcutaneous pimples appear on the face?

Painful tubercles do not appear immediately. Their formation is gradual. First, a small seal appears under the skin. It hurts slightly, but it increases very quickly in size. At the next stage, the inflammation develops in the densification, and the swelling becomes noticeably greater. The entire ripening period can last for several weeks.

Basically, the appearance of such a problem as subcutaneous acne on the face, the following causes contribute:

White subcutaneous pimples on the face

They can appear in adolescents and adults. The main problem is preceded by hormonal changes that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands located deep beneath the skin. But sometimes white subcutaneous acne causes and others cause. Such, for example, as:

Red subcutaneous pimples on the face

Internal pimples are inflamed parts of the epidermis, which swell, their size increases, and as a result, the tubercle begins to rise above the surface of the healthy skin. Blemish subcutaneous pimples on the face appear due to:

In men, red subcutaneous acne on the face can occur after shaving if the basic hygiene rules are not observed. Inflammations for a long time can not be transformed into purulent pustules, while causing itching and other uncomfortable sensations. If the cause of the problem is subcutaneous mites, pimples are formed by groups. In this case, the formations are colored bright red, and the main symptoms are attached to the peeling.

Subcutaneous acne on the forehead - causes

Formations on the forehead are formed on the same principle as on any other part of the face or body. Skin fat, mixing with particles of sweat and dust, clogs the glands. The secretion produced by the latter can not go outside and is collected in the sebaceous ducts. A favorable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms is created, and the inflammatory process begins.

Large and small subcutaneous pimples on the face often occur due to incorrect care of the epidermis. The formation of the rash is influenced by the choice of cosmetics: some products drastically dry the face, while others overwhelm it. If suddenly on the face appeared subcutaneous pimples, it does not hurt to pay attention to your diet - oily and spicy food promotes the accumulation of sebum. Sometimes a blockage of the sebaceous glands and inflammation occur against the background of failures in the functioning of the digestive tract: liver, stomach, pancreas.

Podkozhnye acne on the cheeks - the reasons

As a rule, the cause of rashes on the cheeks becomes a metabolic disorder. On this part of the face, you can determine how well the excretory system works. Often, the rash occurs with bowel disease. In many, deep subcutaneous pimples on the face are formed due to malnutrition or bad habits. In addition, the tubercles occur when:

Subcutaneous pimples on the chin are the causes

All the above reasons can cause a rash on the lower part of the face. In addition, the subcutaneous small pimples on the face in the region of the chin are the result of poor heredity. And in some cases, education indicates a malfunction of the genitourinary and reproductive systems:

  1. If subcutaneous pimples on the face appeared near the base of the lower lip, it is worth checking the small intestine.
  2. A rash with redness, dryness and scaling often indicates functional disorders of the left ovary.
  3. Acne with pigmented spots are signs of an incorrect operation of the inguinal lymphatic system.
  4. With rashes concentrated in the center of the chin, the cause of the problem should be sought in the uterus or prostate gland.

How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face?

The rash on the face always brings a lot of discomfort. Therefore, immediately after their appearance, people seriously think about how to treat subcutaneous acne on the face. To ensure effective therapy, you need to find the cause of the rash. In parallel with the main treatment, subcutaneous acne on the face can be removed with the help of herbal compresses, lotions, and washings.

Ointment from subcutaneous acne on the face

For the treatment of rashes, as a rule, use drugs that have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. And those that promote the extraction of purulent contents of tubercles. The best remedy for subcutaneous acne on the face of all known - ichthyol ointment . The medicine is sold in all pharmacies. A small amount of it must be applied to a bandage or cotton wool and applied for several hours to a sore spot. Already after the first procedure the inflammation will decrease.

There is another effective ointment from subcutaneous acne. Good with the problem copes, for example, Levomekol. Often the rash is treated with Vishnevsky ointment or zinc. Each of these preparations is good in its own way and provides proper care to the problem skin. If you want to increase the effect of therapy, Levomekol, ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointment can be used in the complex.

Cream for subcutaneous acne on the face

Some creams also have pulling properties. For home treatment, a special remedy for subcutaneous acne that contains retinol, a slightly modified vitamin A, will be suitable for home treatment. Such drugs should be used for a long time - so that they not only help to eliminate inflammations, but also improve the skin and prevent their appearance in the future. With intolerance, retinol can be replaced by alpha or beta hydroxy acids.

Masks from subcutaneous acne in the home

As a basic therapeutic tool, masks are not suitable. But dermatologists recommend using them for additional treatment. Masks that remove subcutaneous pimples that appear on the face, cook simply and quickly. But this does not affect the effectiveness of the funds. All of them help operatively and at the same time do not harm the body at all.

How to deal with subcutaneous acne on the face with Aspirin?


Preparation, use:

  1. Crush the tablet to a powder.
  2. Pour aspirin dust with water and mix into gruel.
  3. Apply the medicine directly on the pimple.
  4. After 10 minutes, the mask should be washed off with water.

How to cure a subcutaneous pimple on the face with aloe leaves?


Preparation, use:

  1. Wash the leaves and add water.
  2. After about an hour put them on fire and boil for about 2 minutes.
  3. After the broth has cooled, the leaves are removed and kneaded into a gruel.
  4. The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas.
  5. After a quarter of an hour the mask can be washed off with cool water.

Mask against subcutaneous pimples with garlic


Preparation, use:

  1. Garlic press or finely chop.
  2. Clean the face with olive oil.
  3. Garlic paste to apply to diseased areas.
  4. On top of the face put gauze, soaked in hot water.
  5. After 20 minutes, the compress can be removed and the remnants of the mask washed off with chamomile.

How to remove subcutaneous pimple on the face?

Quickly remove the inflammation can be with the help of cosmetic procedures:

  1. Ozonotherapy presupposes the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into the site of inflammation.
  2. Mesotherapy is effective in cases when antibacterial therapy is needed.
  3. Elos-therapy - exposure to light flashes.

Here's how to remove subcutaneous pimple from the face after it ripens: