Arrhythmia in children

Often in children there are changes in the regularity of the heartbeats. Such an ailment is called arrhythmia. In the article we will find out what causes this disease can be, how to recognize it and treat it.

In childhood, cardiac arrhythmia in a child is associated with such age periods:

Accordingly, during this period you need to undergo a heart examination.

The causes of arrhythmia in children is not easy to establish. It should be borne in mind that there is a respiratory and non-respiratory arrhythmia. The second kind of ailment is associated with changes in the heart.

Among the causes of respiratory arrhythmia, as a rule, there are:

The causes of non-breathing arrhythmia can be:

Symptoms and treatment of arrhythmia in children

A child of an older age can tell about unpleasant feelings to parents, but the kid can not do it yet. Therefore, moms and dads should be most attentive to such signs of the disease as shortness of breath, frequent breathing, anxiety, lethargy, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, refusal to eat, lack of weight gain in the baby.

An older child is likely to complain of fatigue, poor physical tolerance, fainting, heart failure - fading or jolting.

What is the risk of arrhythmia in children?

Most often it does not endanger the child's life. Sometimes the disease can lead to an early disability or even sudden death. This occurs if the ailment causes complications in the child - arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, tachyarrhythmia, heart failure. But only the doctor can establish whether the form of arrhythmia is life-threatening. In this case, unfavorable symptoms are fainting in the child.

To establish an arrhythmia, as a rule, it is simple - it is enough to make an electrocardiogram. But sometimes there is a need for a daily observation of the rhythm of the heart of a small patient. In addition, doctors prescribe ultrasound of the heart, a blood test, a biochemical test, and a general urine test. If arrhythmia in children of a non-respiratory type, then the causes of this disease are treated (antibacterial, antitumor therapy, correction of vice, etc.). There are modern effective drugs that solve problems with the rhythm of the heart.

At a respiratory arrhythmia it is enough to correct a way of life of the child that can allow to get rid of this illness without medicines.