Rickets in children

Rickets is a disease that, unfortunately, is known to many parents. The first mention of rickets dates back to the first century BC. The description of this disease was first formulated in 1650 in the works of the English orthopedic Glisson.

Rickets occur in infants and children under the age of one year. After a year, this disease is called osteoporosis. In rickets there is a disruption of the formation of bone tissue and their deformation. This is due to insufficient mineralization of the child's body. Doctors of all times tried to prevent rickets and reveal its earliest symptoms. The disease is quite common - in many children up to a year and babies identify those or other signs of rickets. The primary signs of the disease are: hyperactivity, restlessness, itching, lack of sleep. If the time does not begin to treat, the child has a deformity of the bones of the legs, skull, chest

The causes of this widespread childhood illness remained a mystery for doctors for a long time. They were first formulated in the first half of the last century, when vitamin D. was discovered. Scientists succeeded in revealing that the synthesis of vitamin D occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the skin of a person. Until now, the main cause of child rickets is the lack of vitamin D in the body. However, with the development of technology, scientists have been able to establish that vitamin D deficiency is just one of the causes of rickets. Physicians of the twenty-first century believe that the lack of harm to the child's organism is caused by a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus salts. Moreover, it is the lack of phosphates and calcium salts that occurs in children suffering from rickets most often. Thus, over the past ten years, the list of causes of child rickets has been substantially replenished. The main causes of rickets in children:

There are three degrees of rickets: light, medium and heavy. With mild symptoms, the signs of rickets may be barely noticeable. With severe degree neurological disorders are possible, the chest, pelvis is deformed. The disease can quickly go from mild to severe.

Treatment of rickets in children

The diagnosis of rickets for children is made only in clinical settings. Children take a blood test for biochemical examination. Only after revealing the severity of rickets the doctor prescribes treatment. To achieve the maximum positive effect, treatment of rickets in children should be comprehensive. The first stage of treatment is aimed at identifying the cause of the disease and its elimination. Together with drug treatment doctors recommend increasing the time spent on fresh air, gymnastics, hardening. Any method of treatment provides for an increase in the intake of vitamin D, calcium salts, phosphorus.

For the prevention of rickets, doctors recommend the same active lifestyle and healthy diet. The consequences of rickets depend on the timely detection of the disease, proper treatment and prevention. With symptoms that cause even the slightest suspicion, the child should be shown to the doctor. On the Internet you can find numerous photos of children suffering from rickets. It is very important not to allow this with your own children, because the health of the child largely depends on the parents.