Sexual life after abortion

Physical recovery of the female body after the artificial termination of pregnancy occurs after 2-4 weeks. That is, theoretically, in the absence of postabortion complications, the maximum period of abstinence from intimate life is one month. Nevertheless, ideal doctors consider the option, when the restoration of sexual life after an abortion occurs at the end of the first after the termination of pregnancy, menstruation.

Psychological aspect of sexual life after abortion

To establish a normal sexual life after abortion, many women are hindered by psychological factors. Emotionally and psychologically vulnerable patients suffer a very difficult postabortion period, they experience painful feelings of guilt, remorse, remorse. Against the background of this state, fear, fear of sexual intercourse, up to the complete lack of interest in sexual life. Some women start to hate all men, because they consider them the root cause of their torment. Naturally, in such a situation and speech can not be about any sexual life for a long time after the abortion. Such a state eventually passes, interest in intimate life returns. But in some cases nevertheless the help of the psychotherapist can be necessary.

In the meantime, there is another category of women, they perceive the artificial termination of pregnancy as something normal and natural. Such patients want to start their sexual life as soon as possible after the abortion, and often do not even wait for the deadlines set by the doctor.

Intimate life after medical abortion

Sexual life after medical abortion is recommended to begin no earlier than two weeks after the termination of pregnancy. If the result was an incomplete exit of the fetal egg and subsequent vacuum aspiration or scraping, the abstinence period should be increased to 3-4 weeks.

It would seem, why abstain from sexual activity after medical abortion, because the instrumental damage to the uterus, which is present in other types of abortion, does not occur with medication. Yes, indeed, the uterus is not instrumentally damaged, but after any abortion, it opens its neck and a massive detachment of the endometrium, which means there is a possibility of infection. The cervix remains open for several days, the risk of infection is very high these days. Sexual life after medical abortion must also be postponed due to the presence of post-abortion secretions, they are usually observed within 1-2 weeks after the adoption of the second of abortifacients.

Taking COC, which doctors recommend starting right after the abortion, is very important in the period of sexual recovery, as it allows a woman to avoid a new pregnancy.

Sexual life after surgical abortion

To establish a normal sexual life after a surgical abortion is sometimes difficult enough. First, the physiological factor (serious post-abortion complications) can interfere with this, and secondly, it is after the surgical termination of pregnancy that the psychological component is clearly expressed.

Sexual life after surgical abortion can be started no earlier than 4 weeks, and if the abortion was performed after 12 weeks of pregnancy (for medical or social reasons), the period of abstinence increases to 2 months. If there have been any postabortion complications, the intimate life begins after their elimination. Early sex life threatens a woman:

The issues of abortion and pregnancy must be treated with all seriousness. Do not forget about protection, after all already the first unprotected sexual intercourse after any abortion is a probability of approach of new pregnancy. Barrier contraception is important during the resumption of sexual activity after surgical abortion, when the uterine cavity, in fact, is a wounded, easily infected surface.