Cyclamen - reproduction

More often as a presentation, plants in a pot are used. For this purpose, the cyclamen flower perfectly fits well, and reproduction can be done by yourself. This is a rather complicated process, therefore, the main thing for the florist is to follow the recommendations set out in this article.

There are two ways how you can breed cyclamen: by seeds and by dividing the tuber. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Cyclamen Cultivation from Seeds

This procedure is best done in August, after a period of rest.

  1. First, the inoculum is soaked in water or in a 5% solution of sugar. For planting, you can only use seeds that have fallen to the bottom.
  2. We spread them over a moist light soil and sprinkled with a layer of earth 0.5-1 cm thick.
  3. Cover with opaque material and put in a room with an air temperature of + 20 °, during the month, regularly moisturize and air a greenhouse.
  4. After germination of the seedlings, we remove the covering material and put the container in a well-lit place. During this period, plants need a lower temperature - + 15-17 °.
  5. After the formation of a tuber with 2-3 leaves, we transplant them into separate pots.
  6. A week later, we feed fertilizer for flowering plants. Take half the recommended dose.

How to plant a cyclamen by dividing a tuber?

  1. In the period of rest we extract from the soil a tuber with several eyes, dry it and divide it into parts. Delenka will get accustomed if it has a few roots and at least one kidney.
  2. The cut location is treated with activated carbon and dried in the shade.
  3. We spend them on separate pots. The soil for planting cyclamen should first be disinfected: steamed or treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

As a result of this method of reproduction cyclamen will bloom earlier than usual.