Eggplants - diseases and their control

The original taste of eggplant makes the vegetable a favorite for many of us. Purchased fruits, of course, are not bad. But, you will agree, that the eggplants grown by own hand are tasty in a special way. However, various obstacles in the form of diseases can prevent to grow a good harvest.

Tobacco mosaic in eggplants

One of the most characteristic diseases of the eggplant leaves is a mosaic. Viral disease can be suspected by clarifying the sections of the leaf plate. If the virus is not treated in time, the mosaic goes to fruit. Unfortunately, it is easier to prevent such a disease than to treat it. That is why before planting the seeds are treated with antiseptic solutions, for example, potassium permanganate or hydrochloric acid. Feeding complexes like "Uniflor Micro" will help to overcome the tobacco mosaic plant with a small infection.

Phytophthora in eggplants

Talking about the diseases of eggplant and the fight against them, one can not fail to mention one of the most dangerous - late blight. The virus manifests itself as dry yellow-brown spots on the leaves, which eventually pass to the stem and fruits. Processing of eggplant from similar diseases usually includes spraying affected and externally healthy bushes with one of the solutions, for example, copper sulfate 0.2% or Bordeaux liquid. To treat the eggplant, you can use special chemicals - "Fitosporin", "Gamair" or "Baikal EM-1." If this method is not to your liking, try something safer from the arsenal of folk remedies. It can be a soap solution, a solution of wood ash or a tincture of garlic.

Black leg with aubergine

Black leg - another option, what are the diseases of eggplant. In her, the lower part of the trunk darkens and thinens. In the initial stage of the disease, the bushes are treated "Trichodermin." Preventing the disease can become liming of acidic soil.

Gray rot in eggplants

The description of eggplant diseases and their treatment was incomplete without gray rot, manifested by the appearance of a stain with a gray coating on the fetus. This effect is exerted by spraying the beds with a solution of "Fitosporin". Of the folk remedies, we can recommend the infusion of garlic, which is prepared from six shredded denticles and five liters of water.

In order not to have to treat, choose for planting a variety of eggplant, resistant to diseases - Baikal F1, Balagur, Vakula, Bard F1, Gorodovaya F1 and others.