Why does thuya turn yellow?

We have become accustomed to the fall of dry leaves from trees and bushes, but when this happens to coniferous plants, this is a signal for us to have a problem, but this is not always the case. In fact, coniferous trees have a very leafy process every year, but it does not look so beautiful.

Now it has become very popular to plant such a coniferous plant as tuya for decorating its front gardens. Therefore, in the article, we will analyze in detail why the Tuya's yellow leaves turn yellow (its leaves), it begins to dry and what to do about it.

The main reasons why the thuja turns yellow and dries

1. The natural process . In the beginning of autumn (September-October), you can often see that the needles are yellowing in the thuja, located inside (near the trunk), and not only the needles themselves begin to fall, but small twigs. This is falling pine needles, which grew 3-5 years ago and fulfilled its function, and because of the new needles, it does not get enough sun rays.

2. Poor-quality planting stock. This is the most common reason why the thuja turns yellow immediately after planting. Therefore, when choosing tjuju for planting it is necessary to pay attention that it was not overdried (if to scratch a root juice should be allocated), it was saved by an earthen round a root, there were no pests and signs of illness.

3. Wrong landing. Thuya will turn yellow if the following errors were made during the landing:

4. Insufficient care. With the right location, the thuja requires minimal maintenance, but reacts very badly to insufficient watering (it needs to be watered once a week in a bucket, and in a drought period - 2 buckets twice a week) or waterlogging the soil (rotting roots). And if Tuya was planted in a sunny place, then the soil around the tree should be covered in order to protect it from loss of moisture and getting sunburn.

Obligatory for the newly planted tree is the installation of a fence to exclude the excrement of animals on it.

5. Pest damage or disease . Dangerous for thuja diseases are fusariosis, schutte thui brown and cytosporosis. For prevention from them after planting, thuja should be treated with a solution of foundation (10 g per 10 liters of water) or Bordeaux fluid .

The yellowing and falling of needles can lead to damage to the plant by the phylum of aphids and thymus falsification. To get rid of them, the tree is sprayed with carbofos, actellicum, rogue or decis.

Determining the reason why the thuja turns yellow needles (the so-called leaves), you can save all the trees from destruction.