How to make a cocktail of ice cream?

Doctors recommend using more liquid on hot days, but you do not want to drink water all the time. Try a variety of cocktails with ice cream - it's not only tasty, but also useful.

Milk Cocktail Strawberry Delight

In the season of aromatic ripe berries, you can prepare a milkshake with ice cream and strawberries or homemade strawberry ice cream.



Berries are examined carefully, they must be whole, not damaged, ripe. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, separate the leaves and let it drain. Let's leave 2-3 berries, and the rest will be turned into mashed potatoes, and then gently rub through the sieve to remove the bones - not all of them like. Milk is well chilled. In a blender or shaker, pour the milk, add the strawberry puree, vanillin and honey. We all beat well. In a glass we put a ball of ice cream, pour a cocktail and decorate a berry.

If there was no fruit at hand, there are several ways how to make a cocktail of ice cream and milk. You can use fruit ice cream, pre-prepared juices or mashed potatoes.

How to make a cocktail of ice cream with jam?



Ice cream is taken from the refrigerator in advance - it should become soft, and the remaining ingredients are well cooled. Of course, the easiest way to prepare a milkshake with ice cream in a blender or shaker. But if there is neither that, nor another, for cocktail preparation it is possible to use the big glass jar with a tightly closing lid. The capacity of the jar should be at least 100 ml higher than the total capacity of the ingredients (in this case - a capacity of 2 liters, or we mix the cocktail portionwise). So, put ice cream and jam in the jar, pour in the milk and syrup and shake vigorously until all the ingredients are mixed. Pour into tall glasses, decorate with mint leaves or jam berries.

Banana Milkshake

For those who are engaged in manual labor, cocktails with a high content of nutrients, more caloric, will be useful.



Ice cream, as in the previous recipe, will need a soft, and the milk should be well cooled. Bananas are peeled and peeled. To do this, you can wipe them with a stick or use a blender. In the bowl of this useful household appliance, place all the ingredients and whisk for a minute and a half. Cocktail is very sweet, it can be acidified with a drop of cherry syrup.

Satisfied and useful will be a cocktail of ice cream and juice. In case of preparation of cocktails it is possible to use and fresh - freshly squeezed juices, and juices canned (preferably home-made).

Citrus Cocktail



Kiwis are cleaned and mashed (can be filtered through a sieve), from oranges squeeze the juice. Place all the ingredients in a glass and beat with a blender. Cocktail decorate with a round kiwi or spiral from orange peel.