Bile stasis - symptoms

The gallbladder as an organ is no less important than a liver or stomach. However, for some reason people tend to neglect it and do not think about it at all. This is manifested, first of all, in the nutrition of modern man and his bad habits.

What is the risk of stagnation of bile?

The fact that stagnation of bile is a threat to health, there is no doubt. Symptoms of bile stagnation are not only manifested on the skin. In addition to changing appearance, there are more serious consequences. Such as:

This phenomenon causes discomfort in the functioning of the digestive system, disrupts the metabolism. If the disease is not treated, then it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which in turn causes the reshaping of this organ and liver failure.

Another serious disease that can be caused by prolonged avitaminosis (lack of all the same vitamins A and D) is osteoporosis. Because of this, the bones become brittle and brittle.

Signs of stagnation of bile in the liver and pelting it into the stomach

The consequences of bile stagnation are detrimental to the body, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, one should listen carefully to it.

If the normal functioning of the gallbladder, biliary tract and sphincter is disturbed, first of all, the liver suffers. Bile stasis in the liver, namely in its bile ducts can be caused by the following circumstances:

Symptoms of congestion of bile in the liver are usually manifested as:

Signs of casting and stagnation of bile in the stomach may not be as bright as in the case of the liver, therefore at the first suspicions it is necessary to consult a doctor for detailed diagnosis. These characteristics include:

Since stagnation of bile in the stomach can not be determined solely by symptoms, the physician usually conducts a procedure called gastroduodenoscopy to confirm this diagnosis. If doubts still remain, then fluoroscopy is additionally performed.

As you can see stagnation of bile in the stomach is more difficult to determine, but it is not so common. The main threat is still cholestasis - stasis of bile in the liver. This disease affects more than 20% of the world's population. First of all, the reason for this is a greatly changed diet, the inaccessibility of healthy home-made products, the spread of fast foods, the global use by food companies of artificial additives in the production of most food products. So, if you do not have the ability to eat only the energy of the sun, water and air, then at least carefully treat the choice of food.