Diabetes type 2 - the norm of sugar in the blood

If you suspect that you have type 2 diabetes , the blood sugar should still be determined by the indicators of a healthy person. Any increase is an indicator that diabetes has already begun. In order to more accurately diagnose the disease and adjust the indicators, it will take a lot of time.

What should be the norm of sugar in type 2 diabetes?

The sugar norm for type 2 diabetes is the same as the figure that is set for a healthy person. It is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l, blood is given from the finger, taken on an empty stomach in the morning. As we know, type 2 diabetes is an insulin-independent form of the disease, so it does not involve strong fluctuations in sugar and medical treatment. At the initial stage, it will be sufficient to get rid of extra pounds, adjust the food schedule and make sure that its components are healthy. This will make you feel good and keep your insulin within normal limits.

Unfortunately, this type of disease occurs without pronounced manifestations, therefore it is necessary to donate blood for analysis several times during the five-year period to everyone who has cases of diabetes in the family. The level of glucose in type 2 diabetes varies very much, so it will be better if the procedure is repeated several times. You should be cautious of such signs:

Many are wondering at what type of glucose the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes will be confirmed by the doctor. The average figures look like this:

Since the glucose values ​​for type 2 diabetes are not static, only an analysis performed on an empty stomach after a week of nutrition without sweets, cakes and alcohol can be considered valid. But also this analysis is preliminary - only by blood from a vein, in laboratory conditions, it is possible to establish exact indicators of sugar. Glucometer and paper testers working on finger blood often show erroneous indices.

Glucose norms for type 2 diabetes mellitus when blood is collected from a vein

When carrying blood from a vein, the test results are usually ready the next day, so do not expect a quick result. Sugar figures during this procedure will certainly be higher than after using the device to measure the blood glucose level from the finger, this should not frighten you. Here are the indicators that the doctor uses to diagnose:

On average, between the analysis of blood from the finger and the analysis of blood from the vein, the difference is approximately 12%. Sugar in the blood with type 2 diabetes is quite simple to regulate. Here are the rules that will help you not to worry about the results of tests:

  1. Eat small meals in small portions, but do it often. Between meals should not take a break longer than 3 hours.
  2. Try to eat less smoked products, sweets, flour products and fast food.
  3. Maintain moderate movement activity, but avoid overloading.
  4. Carry a piece of fruit with you to snack at the appearance of an acute sense of hunger.
  5. Do not suppress your desire to drink a lot, but make sure that the disease does not complicate the kidneys.
  6. Regularly check the blood glucose level with the help of special devices. To date, even such devices have been invented, in which it is not necessary to puncture the skin to obtain blood. Analysis they do, shining through the skin with the finest laser.
  7. Once every six months, do an analysis of glucose in the dynamics - changes in blood for a week, a month.