Inflammation of the facial nerve

The facial expression of the human face, the expression of emotions, exists due to the movements of the muscles, which are controlled by the trigeminal nerve. It has two branches, which ensure the normal activity of the corresponding muscle groups. Inflammation of the facial nerve leads to the emergence of intense pain syndrome, impaired muscle function, paralysis and paresis.

Causes and symptoms of facial nerve inflammation

The main factor that contributes to the development of the inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve is hypothermia. This can happen after a long stay in the draft, under the air conditioner. In such situations, primary neuritis of the facial nerve, also called Bell's paralysis, occurs.

The secondary form of the disease occurs against the background of other pathologies:

Signs of inflammation of the facial nerve often appear on one side of the face, bilateral neuritis occurs only in 2% of cases. Symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

Traditional treatment of facial nerve inflammation

Before the preparation of the therapeutic plan, diagnostic measures are first carried out, which allow to establish the form of neuritis - primary or secondary. The latter type of disease requires a preliminary elimination of the underlying cause of inflammation. After this, a conservative treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve is carried out with the following preparations:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids), in particular Prednisolone , allow you to quickly and effectively stop the pathological process. Non-steroid drugs are also used - Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Piroxicam.
  2. Spasmolytics and analgesics. Medications provide relief of pain syndrome - Drotaverin, Analgin.
  3. Antiedematous. To remove excess fluid in soft tissues diuretics are prescribed, for example, Torasemide or Furosemide.
  4. Vasculature. These drugs improve blood circulation in damaged areas. As a rule, Euphyllinum is used.
  5. Anticholinesterase and metabolic agents. Drugs of these groups contribute to the recovery of motor functions of the facial muscles - Galantamine, Neroball, Proserin.
  6. Vitamins of group B. Improve metabolic processes in nerve tissues - Milgama, Neurovitan.

How to treat inflammation of the facial nerve with physiotherapy methods:

If the described scheme of treatment is not effective, and muscle functions are not restored more than 10 months, autotransplantation of the entire damaged nerve is prescribed. In the case of a unilateral violation, surgery is possible only on the affected branch.

Treatment of facial nerve inflammation in the home

Unconventional therapeutic methods are not a full-fledged treatment for the considered disease, they are recommended as additional, supporting procedures.

Neurologists advise using such tools: