Reticular varicose veins - what is it?

Varicose veins are of several varieties. For the usual type of disease is characterized by a violation of blood flow in deep large vessels. But more often there is reticular varicose - that this is known, mainly, to women, since this form of pathology is diagnosed mainly in the fair sex. Fortunately, the changes in the blood vessels are insignificant and easily amenable to therapy.

Causes and symptoms of reticular varicose veins of upper and lower extremities

The venous system consists of large (deep) and small veins. Surface vessels are located inside the skin, close to the epidermis, have the appearance of intertwining filaments about 2 mm in diameter.

The expansion of the veins described is a reticular varicose veins. Due to the fact that this form of the disease is quickly and easily treated, it is also called cosmetic varicose veins.

The main cause of the disease considered by doctors is the fluctuations of the hormonal background. They can be associated with pregnancy, endocrine disorders, menopause.

The symptoms of reticular varicose are quite specific:

Conservative treatment of reticular varicose veins

The most effective methods of getting rid of the described defect:

  1. Microsclerotherapy. Directly into the dilated vessel with a thin needle, a sclerosing drug in the form of a foam is introduced. For 2-3 weeks, the drug causes a gradual gluing of the inner walls of the vein and its subsequent resorption.
  2. Laser, photo- and diathermocoagulation. All types of procedure contribute to the fusion of the venous walls. The effect is suitable only for small "vascular networks" or is used as an auxiliary treatment after microsclerotherapy.
  3. Microflebectomy. The operation is a mechanical removal of damaged veins through punctures in the skin, almost painless. The advantage of microflebectomy is the low risk of relapse.

After therapy of reticular varicose, it is desirable to deal with its prevention. For this purpose it is recommended to wear a special compression jersey.

Treatment of reticular varicose folk remedies

The most effective drug for varicose in non-traditional medicine is tincture on the chestnut.

Prescription medication


Preparation and use

Pour alcohol with vegetable raw materials, tightly seal the container and leave the solution for 7 days in the refrigerator. After a week drain the tincture. The received product should be taken on 30 drops for 25 minutes before each meal. Also, the solution can triturate the affected areas, make compresses from it.