Bloody finger - medicinal properties

A devil's finger or belemnite is nothing more than the petrified remains of ancient cephalopod mollusks that existed in the Mesozoic era, or rather their shells. Today they are often found in sedimentary marine and marble rocks and in appearance look like a finger, because they have the shape of a pointed tip. The damn finger has a mass of healing and magical properties.

Magic properties of the damn finger stone

"The thunder arrow," as it is also called, was used from time to time as a home guard and protection against dark forces, lightning, fire and floods. To do this, belemnites were hung in the attic or laid out along the perimeter of the roof. How then, and today people believe that prehistoric sea creatures, even from the depths of centuries, are able to give their possessor vital energy and strength, to give him self-confidence . Jewels with a fucking finger are worn by those who want to establish relationships in the family, learn to avoid conflicts and understand each other.

Healing properties of a damn finger stone

This mineral is 97-98% aragonite, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. In ancient times it was used in the therapy of wounds, cuts and other injuries on the skin, and the inhabitants of Lithuania believed that the powder from the grated belemnite is able to cope even with a snake bite. Today it is also used to treat skin ailments - furunculosis, psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea. Tonic based on powder or plain water with its addition eliminates acne with regular washing.

The healing properties of the stone of the fucking finger are reflected in the preparation of such medicinal compositions:

  1. Half 1 g of powder pour boiled water in a volume of 50-100 ml, tightly seal the container and shake about 40 times. Take in the morning for half an hour before a meal as a prophylaxis of osteoporosis, fractures, and also to accelerate the fusion of damaged bones.
  2. Place the mineral in water and put on a stove. Breathe rising steam with a cold and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough and sore throat. You can use it for professional inhalations.
  3. Baths with belemnite powder can enhance the action of powders in skin diseases.

As you can see, the positive properties of the stone of the damn finger are huge. The powder prepared from it is added to the infusions and herbal medicinal herbs to enhance their effect.