To what the left ear burns?

Although scientists have already been able to refute many of the signs from the past, some people continue to observe certain prohibitions and believe in superstition . They argue that this is not an easy invention, but knowledge accumulated through observation. In ancient times, they were particularly apprehensive about situations where any parts of the body began to burn or itch, and therefore the signs of this are still very popular.

To what the left ear burns?

The ancient Slavs believed that everything connected with the left side is negative, so reddening and a burning sensation in the ear area from this side is a harbinger of various troubles. When the "fire" in the left ear arises abruptly, it means that at the moment other people talk about something bad about the person, maybe they dissolve gossip or condemn for the deeds done or the words spoken earlier. If it starts not only to burn the ear, but also some kind of malaise is felt - this is a serious warning that at the moment a person condemns and even sends negative energy flows, and this causes deviations in the body. In this case, the reddened ear is a signal that one should defend, for example, one can read a prayer or cross himself.

Many are interested, if the left ear is not burning lightly, what does it mean. This may be a sign that someone from close relatives or friends mentioned you in conversation, but do not worry, because a slight reddening indicates that this happened in a positive way.

Interpretation of signs depending on the days of the week

To get additional information, you need to take into account at what time a burning sensation in the left ear area appeared. First of all, take into account the day of the week:

  1. First, we'll figure out what the left ear burns on Monday - it could be a harbinger of approaching the conflict situation with other people, and this will happen quite unexpectedly and for an unreasonable reason. If you do not react to provocations, then the conflict will end quickly.
  2. If the "fire" arose on Tuesday, then you should expect to part with a loved one. When this day there is a sharp discomfort in the left ear, it can be taken as advice, that it is worth trying to relieve tension and improve relationships with others.
  3. We learn what the left ear burns on Wednesday - it is a harbinger of an unexpected meeting, which in the end will be pleasant. Perhaps a date with a man who in the past was of great importance.
  4. It's time to figure out what the left ear burns on Thursday - do not worry, because such changes in the body in this place promise good news. Still it can be an omen of reception of a pleasant gift.
  5. It is important to know and what the left ear burns on Friday - such an organism signal can be taken as a recommendation, that it is worth taking the time of your appearance to look at 100%, as an intriguing meeting is expected.
  6. It will be useful to know what burns and itches the left ear on Saturday, then you should expect unpleasant news. In the near future, unexpected troubles and problems may arise.
  7. And finally, we'll figure out what the left ear burns on Sunday - it's a harbinger of getting a good profit. For people engaged in business "fire" in the field of the left ear promises the signing of a profitable contract.

What does it mean when the left ear burns scientifically?

Redness of the ears is most often due to the fact that a person is frightened or is worried at the moment. Such discomfort in the ears can occur with a sharp change in temperature, for example, if a person comes from a frost in a heated room.