Popular signs of November

In the modern world, superstitions for many are just fiction, in which there is no truth, which can not be said about our ancestors. A few decades ago people unquestioningly observed all the signs and believed in their strength. Thanks to its observance, it was possible to easily predict the weather for the future, learn about the harvest, understand what kind of relationship the newlyweds might have and much more.

Popular signs of November

There are many different signs that can not be described in one article, so we will focus on the most popular and proven versions. There are short-term signs that indicate the events of the next day, and long superstitions that can tell about another season or about the year as a whole.

Signs of November about the weather:

  1. A small harvest of mushrooms, then, winter will be snowy and harsh.
  2. The weather in November is identical to April.
  3. To see mosquitoes at the end of the autumn, then winter will be warm.
  4. A large number of acorns on oak and mountain ash - the weather in winter will be harsh.
  5. Snow in early November - spring will be early.
  6. To hear thunder in the end of autumn, means, there will be little snow in winter.
  7. If until November the trees have not lost all the foliage - the winter will be long and snowy.
  8. In November the snow fell on damp ground and does not melt, which means that spring will come early and there will be many snowdrops. If the snow falls on the frozen earth - the harvest of bread will be good.

Still we will talk about the signs connected with November, by the numbers. If on the second day of the month the foliage is already completely fallen and snow falls, then it will soon melt. On the 4th number, the weather was determined for the near future, for example, if it was raining, then, soon, winter will come. If the weather was good and the sun was shining, wait for the cooling. The morning mist indicated that winter would not come soon. See November 5, hail or snow with rain, then in 3 weeks will be winter. On the weather November 8, you can say about the spring, if it was cold - the spring will be late. Warming on this day predicts a warm spring and winter. If it was snowing, it means that the spring will be late, and on Easter there will also be snow. On November 12, the ancestors fed birds to get help from them in the spring. If birds of the day were seen on this day, it means that soon the frost will come. If on November 14 there will be dirt on the roads - until December you can not be afraid of frost. The presence of snow on the 19th of the year indicates that the winter will also be snowy. If the sky was strewn with stars - wait for the cold. To see the 20th of the ice on the river means that it will not get warmer. If November 24 is very cold - winter will be a cold. A large amount of snow by November 26 indicates a good harvest this year. On the weather on November 30, you can talk about the winter, everything is very simple, if the weather is bad, then this will be winter, and vice versa.

Signs of marriage in November

Although at the end of autumn the weather does not please, many couples choose this time for the wedding. For a long time people believed that an alliance, which concluded in November, will be strong and stable. In addition, the couple will not complain about the problems in the material sphere. In religion there is also a sign about the wedding in November. If you go under the crown in early November, the union will be protected from treason, separation and various problems. It has long been believed that the marriage, concluded on 10 November at the Paraskeva Linnia, will be strong and lasting. The saint was turned to strengthen the union and protect the home.

When you make a marriage in November, you need to pay attention to the weather. If there were precipitation, it means that the union will be prosperous and happy. Large snow flakes are a symbol of prosperity. If the day of the wedding was a severe frost, then the first child will have good health. A strong wind portends frivolity in a relationship.