Sign - the bird hit the window and flew away

To date, there are a lot of different signs that have come from ancient times. They appeared uneasy so, but thanks to the observability of our ancestors, who found and distinguished some regularities. Common is the folk sign of a bird that hit the window. Many are confident that such a phenomenon is a negative prediction that soon someone in this house will die, so people are tuned to the negative, which makes their life problematic. Justified this opinion or not, it is worth investigating.

What does it mean if a bird hits the window and flies?

In fact, the interpretation of this folk attribute is distorted and initially its meaning was completely different. According to the interpretation of the belief, the bird brings with it well-being and material prosperity, but there are also negative predictions. A more precise interpretation of this superstition can be obtained by considering which bird was knocking at the window.

What a sign when the bird hit the window:

  1. Most often, a dove knocks on the window and in this case, there are two common variants of the interpretation of the sign. It is believed that this bird is connected with the world of the living and the dead. Among the shamans, it is widely believed that the dove is in fact the soul of a deceased relative, who has become bored and decided to remind himself. If this happens, it is recommended to remember the deceased. Many psychics believe that the pigeon is a harbinger of death, that is, if the bird has reminded of itself, so, means, soon any harm will occur in this house. If the pigeon struck and flew away, then we can talk about the existence of a chance to correct the situation and avoid the negative.
  2. Another interpretation of the sign of the bird, which hit the window and flew away, touches the sparrow. It says that important things will soon be decided, and career development, as well as personal life will depend on the decision made. Perhaps, soon the proposal will come, from which it will be very difficult to refuse and this will change the life for the better.
  3. If the bird, namely the swallow, hit the window and flew away, it means that one of the close people is very bored. It is believed that a meeting with him will give a lot of positive emotions and bring good news. This interpretation has superstition, explaining the reason why the swift crashed into the window. For women in the position, such a bird also means mild pregnancy and childbirth.
  4. In the event that a titmouse crashed into a window, this is a good sign, which also foretells the material prosperity in the house. If the bird also has flown in a window, means, the positive interpretation amplifies.

In some cases, signs about birds that hit the window have negative interpretations, and mostly it concerns forest inhabitants, for example, cuckoos, owls, etc. It is believed that such visitors are harbingers of serious tests in life. Perhaps one of the relatives is seriously ill.

If the bird, hit, flew away, but then you noticed that it fell, then according to the ancient fads, it must necessarily help. When the uninvited "guest" died after the blow, it is important to bury him. Another important detail is the window and if it has cracked or other damage has occurred, it should be removed, because it is considered to be an unfavorable sign.

Even if the sign gave you negative information, do not tune in to a bad wave, because thoughts are material and a person can simply thus attract to themselves various troubles and problems. That's why you should not take superstition as an axiom and wait for trouble.