What does the test for immunoglobulin E show?

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the human body is involved in the occurrence of allergic reactions of immediate type and in anthelmintic protection. When it interacts with an antigen (an allergen-inducing substance), a specific reaction occurs that causes the release of serotonin and histamine - substances that provoke itching, burning, rashes and other manifestations of allergy.

What does the test for immunoglobulin E show?

In a healthy person, immunoglobulin e in the blood plasma is present in very small amounts (about 0.001% of the total number of all immunoglobulins). Elevated parameters in the analysis for immunoglobulin E can be observed when:

In addition, the indices can be increased with some autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency.

Blood test for immunoglobulin E

For analysis on immunoglobulin E, blood is taken from the vein, on an empty stomach. In general, nonspecific factors on the results of immunoglobulin E analysis do not affect, but it should be handed over directly in case of suspicion of an allergic reaction, since the average lifetime of such immunoglobulins is about three days.

Of drugs, an increase in the indicator can cause penicillin drugs, and a decrease in the intake of phentanil. Also, taking antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs for several days can lead to normalization of the level of immunoglobulin, and the analysis will be non-indicative.

Analysis for total and specific immunoglobulin E

The normal index of immunoglobulin E in the blood does not mean that there is no inclination to allergic reactions. Approximately 30% patients with atopic diseases overall indicator is within the normal range. In addition, the overall immunoglobulin level does not indicate the exact cause of the allergic reaction.

To determine the allergen, additional tests are carried out, on a specific immunoglobulin E, associated with a specific destabilizing factor. To do this, after blood sampling, the quantitative ratio of a specific immunoglobulin to a particular group of allergens is determined. Based on these indicators, then a cross-comparison is made with the results of skin tests, even then you can accurately establish the allergen.