Classes for preschoolers

In order to prepare a preschooler for future school activities, many parents believe that it is enough to teach the child to read, write and write mathematics. In fact, you need to choose a more extensive exercise program. These include those that contribute to the development of memory, thinking, attention, perception, speech and imagination. All of them belong to the category of developing classes for preschool children.

Before the first session with a preschooler, prepare a workplace for him. It can be, as in it, and in the general room (for example, a drawing room). Everything you need for a preschooler should be on hand so that during the preparatory classes nothing distracts his attention.

The form of conducting classes with preschool children should be as close as possible to the educational process. It is necessary to determine the duration of the lessons, as well as to tell the child how the changes are going, or to stage different situations, for example, calling the student to the board. That is, to fully acquaint him with future schooling. Then the preparatory classes conducted by parents with a preschool child will help him to easily adapt to school life in the future.

In order for the classes to be interesting for the preschooler, and the learning process was more useful, to start this work better in advance, so that it could be gradually complicated depending on the child's progress. Select the appropriate program for pre-school children at home should, based on his interests, as well as adjust as you master the proposed material. Among the important lessons for younger preschoolers are those that are aimed at the development of speech. For example, your child incorrectly pronounces individual letters, and such speech defects do not always disappear as the baby grows up. In this case, for pre-schoolers, classes on the development of speech in the form of memorization will be used to calculate whether tongue twisters. You can also ask him to name it, and also to draw in advance the prepared pictures.

As a lesson for pre-school children, a program for acquaintance with the world around them will do. You can prepare images of various animals, birds, plants, flowers, insects, etc., necessarily signing the name of each of them. When inviting a child to read what is written, pay attention to the distinctive features of each object. Later, through developing classes for preschoolers, you can determine the level of the imagination of the child. For example, spread out before him pictures of birds, animals and insects and ask them to be divided into groups according to their belonging, color, size, etc. The child may well suggest a variant that does not correspond to reality, but at the same time give an explanation for such a division.

Do not forget about the creative activities that will be useful for preschoolers. You can make a whole theater, for example, using armlets for cooking, or ordinary dolls. When a child represents a character in different situations, he can show emotions such as grief, joy, indignation, fun, etc. Such theatrical classes with preschoolers are good for the home, since it can do not be shy and do not feel constrained. While they contribute to a deep understanding of spiritual ties.

The method of teaching with preschoolers can also be unconventional. For example, they can go to music or using modern technology. And also provide for a constant change in body position, and also include finger games or breathing exercises.

For preschoolers, there will never be any unnecessary additional activities. Give as much time as possible to the learning and development of children, so that in the future it would be easier for them to get used to the school schedule.