Coffee in Pregnancy

It is dangerous to drink coffee during pregnancy - another of many questions on the way to the birth of a healthy child. The coffee drink has become so everyday and habitual for many that it is consumed even during pregnancy. There are many "buts", which future moms-coffeemen do not even guess.

The reason for frequent and widespread use of coffee is its ability to improve efficiency and mood. Drank a cup of coffee, and after 20-40 minutes you have a spiritual uplift, though, with high blood pressure. Probably, many guess that the main danger of this fragrant drink in caffeine. This substance has an exciting effect on the nervous system. This is especially undesirable for expectant mothers. But we will not let all dogs go except for coffee, because tea, chocolate, cola, cocoa and energy drinks are not inferior to caffeine.

What is the main danger of coffee during pregnancy?

How coffee affects pregnancy, doctors are still debating.

  1. It is proved that coffee leads the uterus into tone, and thus can provoke miscarriage in the early term or premature birth.
  2. There is also a possibility of premature placental abruption.
  3. To all the horror stories we add an increase in blood pressure.
  4. Why can not coffee during pregnancy is still explained by the diuretic effect of this drink. Pregnant women for physiological reasons and more often visit the toilet. It is not necessary to add work to the kidneys, which are under considerable load. Plus, drinking coffee with milk leads to dehydration of the body, in which not only calcium but other minerals useful in this position (iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus) are washed away. In addition, and not only displays, but does not give these substances correctly digested.
  5. It is not recommended for a future mother to drink coffee because the excessive excitability badly affects sleep, mood, and even the functioning of the systems and internal organs of a pregnant woman.
  6. The use of coffee also affects the reproductive function of the body. It is proved that the use of this drink in large quantities provokes difficulties in conception. So, more than 3 cups of coffee a day is a worthy substitute for contraceptives.
  7. Another not so dangerous, but still undesirable during pregnancy property of coffee is the suppression of appetite. This nourishing, if with the addition of cream and sugar, but not a nutritious drink, can lead to a failure of the pregnant woman from the necessary "normal" diet.
  8. Coffee is also dangerous because, penetrating the baby through the placenta, it harms it. Also, under the influence of coffee, the vessels leading to the placenta narrow. Therefore, the baby does not receive enough oxygen and may develop fetal hypoxia.
  9. In addition, they say that by consuming coffee during pregnancy, a woman increases the chances of diabetes in a future child.

It is difficult to say in which weeks and months of pregnancy it is especially not worth to drink coffee. Some scientists warn that one should not drink coffee in the first trimester, others warn - after 20 weeks and beyond. There are scientific studies claiming that the third trimester is especially dangerous, because then the nervous system of the unborn child is very sensitive to caffeine.

It is believed that such harm can inflict three or more cups of coffee, drunk daily. But, try to resist, and do not drink it at all.

And how can it damage the instant coffee?

Soluble coffee during pregnancy can harm the stomach. Its use in the majority provokes the appearance of heartburn due to substances that do not work well on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid is increased 5-fold, and secretion of salivary glands is 2-fold. But in natural coffee, there are stimuli such as caffeine, alkol-5-hydroxytryptamide and N-methylpyridine, which in their triple combination during pregnancy can be very dangerous.

How dangerous is it to drink decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy?

Misleading introduces the postscript "without caffeine," which is in fact not true. Caffeine in this drink is contained, but not in such quantities as in ordinary coffee. It is believed that decaffeinated coffee significantly increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the harm of decaffeinated coffee at pregnancy same, as well as from the use of natural or instant coffee.

To drink or not to drink?

After receiving the information, every woman has the right to make the choice to enjoy coffee during pregnancy or not. To begin with, how great are your addictions to coffee, how often, and what fortress do you prefer to drink it. All is well in moderation, and now the measure is not the same as before pregnancy.

Of course, the best solution is to replace the coffee with very useful and necessary "liquids" for you now. It can be both natural vegetable and fruit juices, and compotes, fruit drinks, drinking water.