Bartholinitis - treatment at home

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the bartholin gland, which appears on the external labia. The disease can be unilateral (in most cases) or bilateral. As a rule, bartolinite appears as a result of the following factors:

It follows that the main cause of this disease is pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the urethra and the vagina into the gland duct. As a result of the multiplication of such microbes, the duct becomes inflamed, becomes dense and swollen, thereby clogging the lumen of the gland. This blocks the secretion of the outlet outward, and the process rapidly spreads to the epithelium of the gland, resulting in an abscess. The cavity of such an abscess can reach the size of a chicken egg, and the contents of the abscess will be dense and purulent, greenish with a specific odor.

Bartholinitis - home treatment

If the disease manifests itself poorly and is not accompanied by a strong abscess and pain, then treatment of bartholinitis can be carried out with hypertonic salt solution. This method makes it possible to decontaminate the place of the abscess and accelerate its independent opening, as a result of which a woman becomes much easier. The treatment of bartholinitis with salt solution has helped many women, but it sometimes happens that the stage of the disease is already started, so it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In some cases, in addition to the hypertonic salt solution in bartolinite, the most desperate owners of this "miracle" resort to using Vishnevsky's ointment. The remedy for purulent inflammations is quite effective, but such treatment does not bring much pleasure, since the "fragrance" of the ointment is so specific that when treating the disease from home it is not much and you will go out.

Folk remedies for bartolinite

In addition to drug treatment, bartolinite is eliminated by folk remedies. For example, an excellent means of treating bartholinitis is the resorption of purulent accumulations by leeches ( hirudotherapy ). These "bloodsuckers" are excellent immunomodulators, but such treatment should be started only with normal hemoglobin parameters. At low rates, you can cause severe damage to health.

You can flush the inflammation with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and also make lotions from chamomile broth, marigold, apply aloe juice.

It is important to remember that folk treatment of bartholinitis does not always help. Because the structure of the human body is different for all, as a result of which, to one woman, folk remedies are excellent, while in others, the condition is vice versa, is deteriorating.

What can be the outcome of bartholinitis treatment at home?

If you treat this disease at home and do not consult a doctor, it can result in disastrous consequences:

  1. The abscess can open independently, but the liquid will not be drawn out, but inside, resulting in the tissue melt, and phlegmon (inflammation of the fat) of the perineum is formed.
  2. Abscess may not be revealed at all. It fades, stops disturbing a woman with painful sensations, but at any moment it can begin to grow again. This phenomenon leads to chronic bartholinitis, creating a constant focus of infection in the body and leading to the development of various diseases.

So at the first signs of this disease it is better to consult a doctor about the methods of treatment for your case: you may not need antibiotic therapy and sanitizing inflammation.