How quickly to call monthly?

Quite often, women, for various reasons, are asked the same question, which directly relates to how you can trigger a monthly fast and do it at home. One is necessary to not spoil the long-awaited vacation at sea, others - to exclude the possibility of pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Let's look at the most effective ways and methods to bring the menstrual period nearer.

How quickly to call monthly before their term?

This question is most simply solved in those women who use oral contraceptives as contraceptives. As you know, the basis of these drugs are hormones that have a retarding effect on ovulation, which leads to a lack of menstruation. In such a case, the girl who takes these drugs must stop drinking them 3 days before the necessary date of menstruation. This method has a practical 100% result. However, despite seemingly at first glance its harmlessness, the actions performed during it can lead to the development of uterine bleeding. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor who prescribed contraceptives before using it.

Also, a very quick and effective way to urgently cause a monthly is the use of special drugs, which lead to menstruation. As a rule, the basis of them is the hormone. These include Pulsatil, Norkolut, Dufaston , etc. After a single intake of these drugs, menstruation occurs already on day 1-3. It should be noted that their frequent use with this kind of purpose can cause disruption of the hormonal background, which will negatively affect the health of the reproductive system as a whole.

If we talk about how to cause a monthly with delay not quickly, but almost instantaneously, it is worth noting that this can be done by injecting the drug intravenously. So the introduction of oxytocin leads to the development of a strong contractility of the muscular fibers of the uterus, which ultimately leads to the onset of menstruation and the appearance of bloody discharge. This kind of procedure is carried out exclusively under medical supervision and in a hospital environment, in view of the high probability of developing uterine bleeding.

How can I cause a month's delay with the help of folk remedies?

Quite often in such situations, even before calling a doctor, a woman tries to cope with such a phenomenon as amenorrhea alone, using various folk methods. It should be noted that not all of them are really effective and safe. Let's talk about the most popular and tested working, according to the women themselves, the ways:

  1. The first is taking a bath with honey or iodine. However, in carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to take into account the fact that honey itself is a strong allergen. Therefore, it is worth to fear the development of an allergic reaction.
  2. Taking ascorbic acid in a large dose also helps to achieve the desired effect. However, it is worthwhile to be cautious, because excess amount of acid can negatively affect the well-being of those women, which have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Accepting a decoction of herbs such as nettles and tansy, also according to women's help helps cause menstruation prematurely.

As can be seen from the article, there are many ways and means that can cause monthly ones. However, each time using them, a woman should be aware that such methods have a negative effect on the state of the reproductive system, and can lead to a violation of the hormonal background, which in turn is the cause of gynecological disorders.