Tablets against pregnancy after an unprotected act

Under the concept of emergency or, as it is called, postcoital contraception, it is customary to understand the measures aimed at excluding the possibility of developing a pregnancy after an unprotected sexual intercourse. Perhaps this is for 1-3 days. The most commonly used hormonal method, i.e. a woman drinks a drug containing hormones.

The need for postcoital contraception may arise for several reasons: rape was committed, an unprotected sexual intercourse occurred, an interrupted sexual intercourse was disrupted, the integrity of the condom was disrupted, etc. We will discuss this method in more detail and tell you about which pills against pregnancy can be used after unprotected sex sexual intercourse, we list their name.

What drugs are used for emergency contraception?

In order to avoid the onset of pregnancy, currently progestational and anti-gestagenic drugs are being actively used.

Representatives of angigestagen are Ginepriston, Agest. The drugs are used within 3 days from the moment of sexual intercourse, not later.

Gestagenic drugs are used for postcoital contraception for a long time. Representative Postinor is a pill used against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse for more than a decade. The earlier the tablet was taken, the higher its effect. In its composition, the drug contains a large concentration of levonorgestrel. It significantly affects the ovaries, as a result - a woman in the future may have problems with the menstrual cycle. Use the product is necessary in exceptional cases.

Doctors do not recommend using the drug more often than 2 times a year! To use it to young girls is highly discouraged, because the hormonal background is not completely established.

Gestagens are also referred to as Escapel, a new drug with high efficacy. In contrast to those discussed above, it also acts after 96 hours from the moment of sexual intercourse. However, the manufacturers note that 100% of the result is achieved when applied within 1-2 days.

What are the consequences of a woman using these drugs?

The main consequences of the use of emergency contraceptive drugs include:

If these symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor, especially in those cases where, 3 weeks after admission, menstruation is not observed, and signs of pregnancy have appeared.

Are all drugs postcoital contraception?

Like any medication, pills against pregnancy, used after sexual intercourse (PA), have contraindications. These include:

In addition, it should be noted that this group of drugs has a number of side effects, among which:

As a rule, side effects are significantly reduced or completely disappear within 2 days from the time they are taken. Because of the high risk of teratogenic effects of the components of the drug on the fetus, when a pregnancy occurs after taking podkoitalnyh tablets, conduct a medobort.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, emergency contraception can not be used often, but only in exceptional cases. It is not recommended to apply this method to nulliparous women.