Can I get pregnant with one ovary?

Women who have undergone surgery on reproductive organs are often interested in the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant with one ovary, if the second is removed. Let's try to figure out a similar situation.

Can a woman get pregnant with one ovary?

In order to answer this kind of question, it is necessary to consider the basics of female anatomy and physiology.

As you know, monthly, approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a mature egg leaves the follicle into the abdominal cavity. And it is worth saying that usually the sex cells mature alternately in each of the sex glands.

However, in cases where a woman is removed one of the ovaries, the second takes care of itself and every month produces new sex cells. Therefore, pregnancy with one ovary is possible. Another question: were the fallopian tubes removed during the operation for ectomy of the gland? After all, there are cases when the uterine tube is removed together with the ovary. In such situations, when only the uterus remains from the internal genitalia, the onset of pregnancy is impossible.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with one ovary?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the so-called fertility level of a woman, i.e. the ability of her body to conceive. In this case, regularity, duration of the cycle and the presence of ovulation are important. It is the latter that determines the opportunity to become a mother.

In order to establish this, it is necessary to make an ovulation test or to measure the basal temperature during the full cycle. An increase in indicators around the middle will indicate the release of the egg from the bursted follicle.

How to become pregnant if only one tube and ovary?

As already mentioned above, the onset of pregnancy in such cases is possible. The probability of getting pregnant with one ovary is almost the same.

Erroneous is the opinion of those women who believe that it is necessary to observe certain postures during sexual intercourse for the conception, trying to make sure that the seminal fluid gets into the remaining tube.

In order to conceive a child, increase, so to speak, chances and become pregnant with one ovary, a woman must observe several simple conditions: