Painful monthly

This kind of disturbance of the menstrual cycle, as painful menstruation, in medicine is usually called the term "algomenorrhea". With this kind of phenomenon, the pain in the lower abdomen is noted directly on the first day of discharge, or approximately 12 hours before. The nature of pain can be different. So, women complain of aching, pulling, stabbing pain, which often gives to the area of ​​the rectum and bladder. Also not uncommon with algomenorrhea and pain in the lumbar region.

Let's try to understand why very painful periods can be observed, and let's name the main reasons for their appearance.

What types of algomenorrhea exist?

Before talking about the causes of this disorder, it must be said that algomenorea can have both a primary and secondary nature.

So, the primary form is said in the event that a girl's soreness during menstruation is observed in the period of the formation of the cycle.

This is often noted in adolescents 13-14 years. Along with pain, there are heart palpitations, sleep disturbances, pallor of the skin. In addition, there may be abnormalities in the locomotor apparatus (flat feet, scoliosis).

The secondary form of impairment is characterized by the appearance of painful sensations in those women who have never previously experienced problems with the cycle. As a rule, this is typical for women, whose age is more than 30 years. According to statistics, about 30% of women of reproductive age feel about such disorders.

As a rule, secondary algomenorrhea proceeds more painfully. So, often against the background of abdominal pain during menstruation there is a decrease in performance, there are symptoms that usually look like this:

Because of what and in what cases can painful menstruation occur?

As already mentioned above, painful sensations during menstruation can be caused by a variety of reasons.

So, for example, painful periods after childbirth, are mainly caused by a change in the hormonal background. At this time, an increase in the concentration of estrogen in the body of a woman and a decrease in progesterone.

Also, painful periods can also be observed after scraping, which is carried out with the interruption of pregnancy or the removal of fetal remains with spontaneous abortion. The cause of pain in such cases is a severe trauma of the uterine endometrium, which still does not have time to recover before menstruation.

Very painful periods after a delay can indicate a hormonal failure in the body, which leads to a disruption in the cycle.

Painful menstrual periods can also occur after a laparoyoscopy. In such cases, they are caused by traumatization of uterine tissues, which are in the regeneration stage. As a rule, in such situations the pain disappears on its own, and at the next menstruation it is not observed.

The causes of painful menstruation with clots can be such violations as endometriosis, salpingitis, oophoritis.

It is also worth noting that painful periods can be caused by psychosomatics, i.e. are due to the increased sensitivity of the woman herself.