Nausea before menstruation

Throughout the menstrual cycle, a woman's sensations in the body change. So, for example, she may notice that she is sick before the menstruation. Can vomiting before menstruation?

Severe nausea and dizziness before menstruation may well be. They may be symptoms of premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ), which occurs frequently among women.

Why do you feel sick before your period?

  1. Nausea and may be caused by an increased serotonin content in the cerebrospinal fluid. A large accumulation of water in the body also contributes to the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. As a consequence, the woman changes intracranial pressure, which results in not only nausea, but also dizziness. And in especially severe cases, vomiting, pallor of the skin, increased anxiety and even loss of consciousness.
  2. Increased physical activity (for example, prolonged exercise in the gym) contributes to the occurrence of nausea. During the training, pressure is exerted on all the internal organs of the woman, the uterus, as a rule, is slightly inclined backwards. As a result of this situation, it squeezes the spinal cord of the spine, which is the cause of the appearance of nausea. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce physical activity on the threshold of the onset of menstrual bleeding: do not raise the severity, reduce the load when playing sports, walk for short distances.
  3. If a woman takes oral contraceptives, they change the hormonal background of a woman, increase the hormones in the body, as a result of which vomiting occurs. Hormonal imbalance is often accompanied not only by nausea, but also by dizziness, vomiting, irritability and increased sweating. All these symptoms can bring a lot of discomfort to a woman in everyday life.
  4. The presence of stressful situations, emotional overexertion also contributes to the occurrence of dizziness, nausea and migraine. In this case it is important to take breaks during the day and give the head a rest. For example, meditation can help reduce tension not only in the body, but also in the head.

How to deal with nausea before menstruation?

In the event that nausea before the monthly causes serious inconvenience, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice, since the selection of the optimal medication (eg, menalgin) helps to reduce the appearance of the emetic reflex during the onset of menstruation.

Without resorting to drugs, a woman can easily alleviate her condition by adjusting the diet in the days of menstruation: it is necessary to exclude too fatty, spicy, salty foods, preferring light salads, low-fat meat and steamed dishes. Also, remember that you need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day, and also spend more time in the fresh air. A full sleep will help a woman regain her strength, rest before a new day and reduce the risk occurrence of a nausea and a giddiness before monthly to a minimum.

It should be remembered that refusal from smoking and alcohol will also help to normalize the work of all organs and systems of the body, as a result of which a woman will feel vigorous, active and rested.

Such methods of preventing the occurrence of nausea before menstruation not only normalize the condition of a woman, but also contribute to strengthening the vital forces of the body, increasing immunity. And an active, healthy woman, not experiencing discomfort throughout the day, the most successful in life.