Compression fracture of the spine - consequences

One of the most common injuries to date is a compression fracture of the spine, the consequences of which can be fatal for a person. Fortunately, there are not many such cases. Usually, such a fracture is tolerated by a person quite easily.

Classification of compression fractures of the spine

There are three degrees that characterize the severity of this injury:

  1. Compression of the vertebra led to a decrease in the volume of the vertebra by a third.
  2. Compression of the vertebra reduced it by half.
  3. The vertebra has retained less than 50% of its original height.

If the trauma is not received instantly as a result of physical impact, a person may not know that he has a compression fracture of the spine for years. No discomfort, except numbness of hands and feet, he will not experience. Pain syndrome manifests itself only after a long time, usually as a result of lifting the severity, or high physical exertion.

Rehabilitation after compression fracture of the spine

The most common is the compression fracture of the 12 vertebra, the consequences of this trauma of the thoracic spine are not too dangerous, since the zone refers to the inactive. The main thing is to remember a person with such a fracture: you can not lean forward and move a lot. If the fracture is insignificant and the necessary treatment was carried out correctly, you can proceed with recovery procedures. Treatment includes the following steps:

  1. Pain relief with analgesics.
  2. Restoration of the vertebra by medication, or by surgery;
  3. Splicing of bone tissue with full or partial immobilization.

If it is not an elderly person, or a particularly serious case, all these stages take several months. As soon as doctors are allowed to get out of bed, you can start rehabilitation after a compression fracture of the spine. In order to live a normal life, the patient will have to work hard! First of all, gradually restore mobility.

Recovery after compression fracture of the spine

After a compression fracture of the spine, one must be extremely cautious: to limit the time spent in an upright position, not to carry loads, to fight excess weight. Then the spinal column will begin to rebuild itself. But this is not enough! Strengthen your back, regain your former mobility and gradually start a normal life - that's your main task. And in this will help LFK : after a compression fracture of the spine, you need to start gymnastic exercises immediately after the doctor has allowed to sit. However, while sitting you will not do them - at first it is enough to perform lifting of hands and feet in a lying position. All the movements need to be done lying in bed on the stomach.

Modern rehabilitation after compression fracture

Sitting after a compression fracture of the spine with a straight back, try not to slouch, if necessary - rely on the back of the chair. If you become tired, then limit the sitting time, but do not change the posture. It is necessary to accustom the muscles of the back to maintain the spinal column in a physiologically correct position, this will help to avoid the deterioration of intervertebral discs and vertebrae. Once you can be in a sitting position with an even back for a long time, you can start doing gymnastics while standing. Necessary exercises should show the doctor, he will control that you do everything correctly. If you do not have the opportunity to go to physiotherapy in the hospital, you can find videotapes with gymnastics and make them at home yourself, but be sure to ask someone to see to it that you accurately repeat what is shown there.

A large role in the rehabilitation process after the compression fracture of the spine is given to the massages. A good specialist not only eliminates the effects of compression fracture, which remained after the treatment, but also will help a quick recovery, reduce pain, restore mobility to muscles and accelerate the recovery of nerve endings. If long-term physical activity is to be carried out, an orthopedic fixing corset should be worn - it will assume an axial load.