Prolactin is the norm

Prolactin stimulates the growth of mammary glands in women, as well as responsible for the formation of milk in the chest during pregnancy and feeding the baby. A certain part of the hormone is formed in the endometrium of the uterus, the main part is produced by the pituitary gland. The level of prolactin can be determined only at the time of the blood test.

High prolactin - signs

Prolactin is higher than normal in women if there are the following symptoms:

The norm of prolactin in the blood

This hormone is present in the male and female body, but its effect is significantly different in one and the other case. Prolactin in women is involved in ovulation and stimulation after childbirth. In the case of the presence of a hormone, a follicle is formed in time, which stimulates the onset of ovulation. If there are deviations from the norm, then there is either the difficulty of ovulation, or its complete absence. Prolactin above the norm can be during sleep, it is in this phase that its amount increases, and during the awakening falls sharply. We can say that the presence of prolactin in the body has a pulsating character. Also during menstruation, the level of prolactin can increase, in comparison with the time of its absence.

How does the amount of prolactin change?

The norm of the hormone prolactin is from 40 to 530 mU / l. As a rule, its level rises on the eighth week of pregnancy, and the highest rates reach the end of the third trimester. After the woman gave birth, in her body there is a sharp decrease in prolactin, and during lactation, perhaps, its resumption. Even during the day, the concentration of prolactin can vary in different indicators. The maximum amount of a hormone is observed at night. The norm of prolactin fully depends on the phase of the woman's monthly cycle. For example, in the first days of the month, the concentration of the hormone is greater, compared with the last days of the month. Prolactinum below the norm in women is as dangerous as its increase. Therefore, in any case, a reliable examination is necessary.

The norm of prolactin can be determined only after the analysis is given. What is the preparation? Blood must be taken on the third hour after awakening, because exactly at this time the prolactin should become normal. Before the procedure, it is recommended to rest at least 20 minutes. For two days, exclude sex and everything that causes the body to overload. A woman who wants to take an analysis must know that this is strictly in the period from the first days of menstruation and in the last, that is, the initial analysis and repeated. This is done to isolate the most accurate result, since the first one can be false.

The level of prolactin is normal in pregnant women

As a rule, the level of this hormone in pregnant women is not controlled, because, as it is significantly increased, it is very difficult to calculate its essential norms. In general, such a survey should be done before pregnancy and completely examined, so that hormonal disorders do not interfere with the development of the fetus. The figures obtained during the examination of pregnant women, in most cases, are false, so hormonal analysis is simply pointless to conduct. Only the control of blood TSH and ATTRO control is carried out at week 10 of pregnancy, and blood is also given for sugar at about 25 weeks. It is not allowed to take various hormonal drugs to lower or increase prolactin. In such cases, it is recommended to simply observe the doctor regularly and monitor the passage of pregnancy.