How to bring down the temperature without pills?

Not always the home medicine chest is equipped with all the necessary pharmacological drugs. What if somebody suddenly had a fever? There are several proven methods, how to bring down the temperature without resorting to tablets. We will get acquainted with them.

How to knock down the temperature without pills to an adult?

  1. Reduce heat will help increase sweating. It is enough to drink a couple of cups of hot hour with raspberries, currants or a slice of lemon to stimulate the sweat glands to hard work. If for some reason this tool does not help, you can proceed to the next stage - rubbing.
  2. Rubbing allows you to achieve at once 2 goals. First, it increases blood circulation, which helps to normalize metabolism. Secondly, the evaporation of the alcohol-based agent cools the surface of the skin. Usually, for grindings, adults use vodka. A small nuance - you can not get under the blanket immediately after the procedure. You should wait a few minutes, otherwise rubbing will lead to overheating.
  3. Another method, how you can knock down the temperature without pills, is compresses. They can be made with a decoction of mint or yarrow . In a liquid, wipes or towels are applied and applied to the forehead and temples, wrists, and also to the groin zones.

Use enema if you are looking for a way to knock down the temperature without tablets quickly. The solution for the procedure is easy to prepare.

Prescription means



Raw materials are steamed with boiling water and the mixture is sent for further heating to a water bath. After a quarter of an hour, the remedy is removed from the bath, filtered and topped up with boiled water until a volume of 250 ml is obtained. It is necessary to cool the solution to body temperature. The enema has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.