12 problems, which you know not by hearsay, if you are hit by 30

It seems that 30 years is a great age, when you are already an adult and independent, but at the same time "you can fool around". Psychologists say that such people have a number of serious problems that need to be addressed.

At different stages of his life a person is faced with different problems that can weigh on the shoulders and the soul. His set of such troubles are people who stepped over the 30-year boundary.

It will be appropriate to mention here that they are classified as millenial or generation Y (those who were born from 1981 to 2000), whose feature is the vast influence of digital technologies on all spheres of life. It is believed that most people who belong to this group have a high score of self-importance, and they know what narcissism is. In order not to sink in the arising internal problems, they need to be identified and eradicated in time, which is what we will do.

1. Fear of changing something in life

The older a person becomes, the more difficult it is for him to change his life and make any decisions. Millenial can come up with thousands of excuses, why not take this or that action, although the risk may be justified. American psychologist Barry Schwartz calls this a "paradox of choice" when a large choice makes a person unhappy.

Advice! The main problem is the reluctance to take responsibility, and this is considered a normal protective mechanism, but it is necessary to fight it, before it's too late. Do not be afraid to live by the heart, because often intuition shows the right way.

2. The impact of negative information

There are many millennials that experience strong discomfort from the negative that surrounds around. This has to do with the unstable economy, environmental problems, inequality, and so on. This can become a serious burden on the shoulders, which does not allow to live in pleasure.

Advice! Try to protect yourself from regularly reading news feeds, especially if you see bad headlines. Fill your life with a positive, which can be obtained from different sources.

3. Problems in personal life

According to statistics, people who belong to the era of millenials, long enough to identify with a companion of their lives. Many do not aspire to get married as early as possible, preferring to devote all their time to building a career and realizing in other areas. Such a change of priorities sometimes has negative consequences for the future life, when a person realizes that he has remained lonely.

Advice! To be happy, you need to build relationships and get married when you really want it, and not because it's time and you need to do something. Love can not become a hindrance to building a career, because the other half can be a good support and motivation.

4. Inconsistency with the world around us

The world is constantly changing, and there is a huge amount of things, concepts and even rules of life that for the 30-year-olds look strange and incomprehensible. In the end, a person can feel at ease.

Advice! Do not stand still, but develop together with the world. If possible, study something new, watch the novelties and then you will also be in a "trend".

5. Desire to try yourself in different spheres

Many 30-year-old people live with the idea that they have unrealized potential, which will certainly help to achieve success in life soon. Trying yourself in different spheres, for example, those that are popular, a person loses himself and feels dissatisfaction in life.

Advice! Psychologists advise you to determine what skills you have, and which ones are in demand, and then move in the chosen direction. It is important to look at life realistically and assess your capabilities soberly.

6. They do not know how to say "no"

Many people at the age of 30 are faced with such a problem that it is difficult for them to refuse to others, even if they do not like something. This can lead to the loss of one's own self and many other problems.

Advice! Learn to respect yourself and say the word "no." Take away from yourself all uninteresting and unimportant, which will not bring any benefit or pleasure. If it is difficult to do this, then at least answer evasively, not giving specifics.

7. Increased perfectionism

The American Psychological Association conducted research that helped determine that 30-year-olds are striving to become successful and like to compete with others. They subconsciously strive for idealism, critically referring not only to themselves, but also to the surrounding people. This can not but affect their psychological state, which causes serious problems in different spheres of life.

Advice! Since perfectionism is a way of thinking, you will have to work on yourself to change it. Psychologists are advised to learn to accept their mistakes, realizing that there is no ideal life, and there are both ups and downs in it.

8. Complexes due to financial issues

One of the most common problems of 30-year-olds is experiences related to their own financial instability. This can be linked to the 2008 crisis and the unstable economic environment, but laziness, and unwillingness to change one's life, also have an impact on this aspect of life.

Advice! Experiences do not give results, so you need to set them aside and get to work. In the modern world there is a huge number of spheres for self-realization, so the main thing is to find the right direction for yourself.

9. Negative reaction to the peer's successes

There are a large number of people who pay attention to the successes of others and compare them with themselves. For some, this may be a motivator, but more often it has a negative impact on a person who begins to feel more defective because of the success of others.

Advice! Psychologists advise you to stop comparing yourself with other people, because this will not help you become more successful, but you can lose time. Perfect for yourself, to become better than you were yesterday. It is recommended to conduct an introspection by writing out your goals and putting an approximate time frame, and then proceed with their implementation.

10. Dependence on gadgets

Statistics show that many 30-year-olds do not part with their phones, and this is not normal, as they cease to enjoy the ordinary life. Scientists believe that a person who can not imagine his life without a gadget is deeply unhappy.

Advice! Here it is necessary to struggle with itself, as to get rid of any dependence is not an easy task. Set a limit for yourself - check the phone every 5 minutes, but only once per hour, do not use it before going to bed and so on. Thanks to this you will see that, besides the phone, there are many interesting and beautiful things in the world.

11. Excessive self-love

The often occurring phenomenon among the millenials is narcissism. It is manifested in the fact that a person often extols himself over others, likes to turn around at a mirror for a long time and makes a huge amount of photos to enjoy his person.

Advice! It is important to understand the problem, as this is a huge step towards solving it. Psychologists claim that daffodils are actually insecure people. Treat others respectfully and soberly assess their own actions.

12. Problems due to irregular schedule

Often people of this age work above the norm, which negatively affects the state of health. In addition, among the millenials there are many freelancers, since it is difficult for them to decide on the profession and the sphere for implementation.

Advice! You can not earn all the money, so you need to learn how to allocate your time. This can help time management or a diary, where you need to clearly describe the plan for the day. To find yourself, it is recommended to conduct some analysis, making a list of areas that you like, where you can realize and receive good money at the same time.