The mind does not fit: 16 facts that shock everyone

There are so many unexplored things in the world and more and more new facts are being revealed every day, which many will be stunned. Well, are you ready to take a different look at many things and learn something new? Then let's go.

1. Rain from animals.

It sounds terrible, but it happens. This rare meteorological phenomenon arises from the action of a tornado, which in the form of rain carries the animal from one place to another. Often, such a shower consists of either frogs or fish. There were times when the animal fell to the ground in pieces of ice or frostbitten. This indicates that the height of its take-off, if it can be called so, was great, and the unfortunate animal was in clouds where the temperature dropped below zero.

By the way, annually, in the period from May to July, in Honduras, in Yoro, you can get under ... a fish shower. So, at about 5:00 pm a black cloud hangs over the town, thunder rolls, lightning flashes and the first drops in the form of fish fall. And in Tokyo, Texas, Irkutsk region and Beijing, one day a rain was recorded from jellyfish.

2. Our universe is in fact beige.

Space Latte - that's how a team of astronomers from the Johns Hopkins University described the color of the entire universe. Initially in 2001 it was determined that it was a greenish shade, but a year later, Carl Gleizburg and Ivan Baldri reported that, averaging the colors, they received a beige shade of white. By the way, more than 200 thousand galaxies were subjected to the research, and therefore the color under the interesting name cosmic latte can be considered final.

3. Poisoning makes a person dance.

Otherwise, it is called a "dance plague." It all began with the fact that in 1518 on one of the summer days the Frenchwoman Troffea went out into the street and began to make all sorts of dance moves. Every day more and more people joined her. After 7 days, another 35 locals accompanied her. Soon the number of dancers increased to 450. In history, this episode was called a "dance plague." It is interesting that then no one could understand what happened to these poor people. It is worth noting that among the dancers many died from heart attacks, exhaustion, strokes.

University of Michigan professor John Waller helped clarify the situation. It turns out that all these people did not dance, but fought convulsively, fell into a trance. And the fault is all eaten bread with spores of mold, which can cause hallucinations and eerie convulsions. But this was also provoked by psychological stress, fear and anxiety caused by the difficult situation in France - at that time the country was suffering hunger.

4. The moon does not rotate around the Earth.

"How so?" - you ask. It turns out that as the Earth rotates around the Sun, the moon travels with our planet. She moves with her in tandem, and this synchronism causes tides. It is interesting that we always see only one part of the moon. Despite the fact that it constantly rotates around its own axis, the Moon looks to the Earth with the same side. And she does not shine. More precisely, what we see is part of the sunlight that falls on the satellite. Thus, the Moon is able to absorb and accumulate solar energy, after which it weakly emits it.

5. There is a place on earth where 2 million years have not been raining.

And this is not some desert, but Antarctica. There is the Bonnie lake, the thickness of the ice reaches 5 m. Moreover, the continent can be safely called not only the driest, but still the most windy and wet. So, 75% of the water reserves are concentrated here, and the gusts of the wind are so strong (320 km / h) that you will instantly turn into Ellie, which in a split second will take him to the Enchanted Land.

6. The larvae of flies accelerate the healing of wounds.

It does not sound very attractive, does it? It turns out that scientists from the University of North Carolina have proved that the genetically modified larva of the green fall flies, which in Latin is called Lucilia sericata, secretes a special substance that can heal wounds.

So, sterile larvae were grown in the laboratory, which cleared wounds, eating dead tissue and releasing antibacterial substances. Scientists note that in the future the discovery will help those who, in the first place, suffer from diabetes mellitus. Recall that these people wounds heal very slowly. While this is all research, but maybe in the future such an opening will help create a budgetary tool to accelerate the healing of wounds.

7. Animals can explode.

On January 26, 2004, Taiwanese scientists decided to deliver a dead whale to the research center. In the middle of the road a mammal exploded, instantly coloring the street in a purple color. It turned out that the cause of the explosion was the accumulation of gases inside the decomposing whale. And in 2005, frogs began to explode all over Germany. Moreover, before the explosion the body of amphibians increased 4-fold. If you want to know the cause of this phenomenon, the scientists did not reach a single conclusion. Someone argued that this is the result of exposure to the frog of an unknown virus, someone said that it was all caused by poisonous mushrooms that poisoned the water.

8. A man can experience an erection after death.

It is better not to read the weak and impressionable. The posthumous erection or "angelic lust" - this is the name of this phenomenon. It is observed in hanged men, epileptics and those who have been poisoned by convulsive poison. Postmortem erection is associated with the disabling of the inhibitory effect of the cortex on the subcortical centers during its oxygen starvation (namely, these centers are responsible for the erection), stimulation of the loop of the cerebellar zone during compression of the neck.

9. Male seahorse can become pregnant.

Males of sea horses are the only males in the world who experience labor pains. During the breeding season the female seahorse swims to the male and, with the help of a nipple-like appendage, introduces the eggs into a special chamber in the form of a sac on the belly of the male. A bag of a male is bundled with a network of blood vessels, and the embryos can extract the nutrients they need from their father's blood.

10. The twin is a parasite.

This happens rarely, but still this phenomenon has the right to be. So, this happens when the germ of one twin absorbs one who is less developed. Moreover, this parasite can exist for many years in the body of the "master". This happened to the Indian teenager Narendra Kumar. The guy went to the hospital with complaints about unbearable pain in his stomach. During the surgical intervention, the doctors extracted from the boy a 20-centimeter fruit of his twin. By the way, in 80% the underdeveloped fetus is found in the abdominal cavity, but cases when the human skull becomes its place of residence is not excluded. In the world there are only 200 cases of a twin parasite.

11. Water can simultaneously boil and freeze.

In science, this is called a triple point of water. It is a definite value of temperature, pressure at which water exists in three phases: liquid, gaseous and solid state. By the way, in domestic conditions this can not happen for the reason that water contacts the air. And here is the value of this triple point: 0.01 ° C and 611, 657 Pa.

12. Most of the oxygen is produced not by the trees, but by the oceans.

Yes, in the process of photosynthesis, trees give off almost 6 tons of oxygen per ton of oxygen, consumed for breathing. At the same time, they produce only 20% oxygen, and seaweed and oceans - 80%. And now you have guessed why the oceans are often called Mother Earth's lungs?

13. A person has more than 5 feelings.

To date, scientists have come to the conclusion that there are 21 feelings in a person. In addition to the classic five, we experience a feeling of pain, which in turn is divided into skin, bodily (pain in the spine) and visceral (pain in the internal organs). This includes the feeling of an empty stomach full of bladder, balance, heat on the skin, as well as awareness of the body or proprioception.

14. After death, a person ... farts.

During life, all muscles are controlled by the brain. After death, the nerve commands are not transmitted to the muscles. As is known, the anal sphincter is responsible for keeping the stool in the rectum. After death, most muscles relax and sphincters are no exception. That's why dead people after death can not only fart, but also defecate.

15. Sunflower oil for all occasions.

It not only helps to get rid of cracks on the lips, heels and hands, moisturizes dry face skin, but still they can be filled with kerosene lamps. In addition, there are examples when it was used to isolate transformers. By the way, more sunflower oil is used for canning, in soap making and paint and varnish industry.

16. The Paris syndrome.

I'm not kidding. It comes from tourists, mostly from Japanese people visiting France. Their psyche is simply not ready to visit this country, in particular, its capital. Psychologists explain this by the fact that the peaceful Japanese go, expecting to see hospitality at every step, but in the end receive something the opposite, which negatively affects their psyche. Every year at least 11 Japanese tourists turn to psychologists with the Paris syndrome. One of the victims notes:

"I went to Paris, hoping to see the friendly French. As a result, street thefts here at every step, and people in public transport just adore being rude. In Japan, you are the king in the store, and in France the sellers do not pay attention to you at all. "