60 truthful facts that seem fictitious

It's absolutely incredible, but it's actually so.

1. Only two countries in Africa have never been colonies - Ethiopia and Liberia.

2. American actresses Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn and Soviet actress Clara Rumyanova, whose voice is spoken by many cartoon characters, were born in the same year of 1929, and died with an interval of 11 years: Kelly in 1982, Hepburn in 1993, Rumyanova in 1993, in the year 2004.

3. The name Jessica was invented by Shakespeare in his play "The Venetian Merchant."

4. Cashew nuts grow on the peduncle in the form of a pear, which is called apple-kazhu, and it can also be eaten.

5. Pineapple is a grass native to South America.

6. The period of time in which Cleopatra lived (69-30 BC) was closer to the invention of Aiphon (2007 AD) than to the construction of the Cheops Pyramid (2560 BC). e.).

7. Russia (17.1 million square kilometers) occupies almost the same area as the surface of Pluto (17.7 million square kilometers).

8. Saudi Arabia buys camels in Australia in order to cook them in restaurants.

9. Milk of a hippo of pink color.

10. Full name of Barbie doll - Barbara Millicent Roberts, this year she turned 57 years old.

11. Woody from the cartoon "Toy Story" also has a surname - Woody Pride.

12. The earliest version of the fairy tale about Cinderella was found in Egyptian papyri, where the main character was called Rodopis.

13. Until the XVII century. the carrot was purple.

14. The heart of a blue whale, the largest animal ever inhabiting the Earth, is so large that a man can climb through an artery.

15. The very first comedy "One at home", released on screens in 1990, in the time space is closer to the first landing on the moon (1969) than it is to our time.

16. Oxford University, which taught already in the XI century, is older than the Aztec Empire (XIV-XVI century).

17. When the movie "Star Wars" was released in 1977, France has not yet canceled the execution on the guillotine.

18. Battleships are almost always born quadrupeds.

19. The unicorn is the national symbol of Scotland.

20. Watermelon, avocado and banana are berries, unlike strawberry, a relative of the rose.

21. Melon, pumpkin and kiwi are also edible berries, but potato berries are poisonous, unlike tubers, which we gladly eat.

22. New York is south of Rome.

23. North Korea and Finland are divided by only one country.

24. The last mammoths, whose remains were discovered on the island of Wrangel and date back to 1650 BC, became extinct 1,000 years after the Egyptians completed the construction of the Cheops Pyramid (2560 BC).

25. There are more plastic flamingos in the world than real ones - Americans keep them instead of garden gnomes.

26. Japanese company Nintendo, which created the popular video games Lego City and Pokemon Go, was founded in 1889 and produced originally playing cards.

27. In the animated film "Like a Lion and a Turtle Sang a Song" Oleg Anofriev voiced both Lion and the Turtle.

28. The legendary actor Vladimir Zeldin (1915) was born back in the time of the Ottoman Empire (broke up in 1922).

29. In the children's verse, it is never mentioned that Humpty Dumpty is an egg.

30. Women's suffrage was first introduced in New Zealand (1893) and Australia (1902). In Saudi Arabia, women received the right to vote only five years ago (2011).

31. If you squeeze the Sun to the size of a white blood cell, and then reduce the Milky Way galaxy to the same scale, it will be the size of the United States.

32. The last descendant of Alexander Pushkin - his great-grandson - lives in Belgium.

33. 50% of people's DNA coincides with the DNA of bananas.

34. The difference in time when on Earth lived stegosaurs (155-145 million years ago) and tyrannosaurs (67-65.5 million years ago) more than between tyrannosaurs and us.

35. Alaska is at the same time the most northern, westernmost and most eastern US state.

36. Pluto did not have time to go around the Sun since the discovery, before he was denied the right to be called a planet.

37. A thousand seconds is about 16 minutes.

38. A million seconds is about 11 days.

39. A billion seconds is about 32 years.

40. A trillion seconds is about 32000 years. A trillion is a lot!

41. But there is good news: honey never spoils. Honey, which is 32000 years old, you can safely eat.

42. There are more stars in space than grains of sand on our planet.

43. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake on earth, in which 20% of the world's fresh water reserves are located. It is more than five combined American Great Lakes.

44. There are more public libraries in the United States than McDonald's.

45. For each person on Earth, there are approximately 1.6 million ants. The total weight of all these ants is approximately equal to the weight of all people on the planet.

46. ​​The octopus has three hearts.

47. One in 10,000 babies is born with a mirror arrangement of internal organs.

48. You can not hum with a clamped nose.

49. There are diamond rains on Saturn and Jupiter.

50. So Jupiter would look if he were from us at the same distance as the Moon.

51. And so the sand looks under the microscope.

52. If a sheet of paper could be folded 42 times, he would have reached the moon.

The moon is approximately 384,000 km away from the Earth, and the thickness of the paper page is 0.01 cm. Hence, if we stack the pages together, we will need 3,840,000,000,000,000 pages to make the stack grow to the moon.

But if you fold paper in half, and then in half, and then another, then the case comes exponential growth. For any exponentially increasing value, the larger the value it takes, the faster it grows. 1 fold folded page will have a thickness of 2 times the original. 3 fold folded - 8 times more than the original. If we could fold the page 20 times, it would exceed Mount Everest. Folded 42 times - has reached the moon. And 94 times would give us something about the size of the visible Universe.

The only problem is that a paper sheet of any size can not be folded more than 7 times.

53. The pyramids were as ancient compared to the Romans as the Romans - compared to us.

54. If you dig a hole in the center of the earth and throw a book there, it will fall 42 minutes.

55. Bacteria in the body are ten times larger than cells.

56. 90% of the cells we are made of are mainly fungi and bacteria.

57. Every two minutes we take more photos than the whole of humanity in the XIX century.

58. Peanuts are not a nut, it is a bean that grows in the ground.

59. The name of the point in the letter "i" is translated as "droplet".

60. There are more atoms in a glass of water than glasses of water in all oceans, and after drinking one, you will swallow a 100% probability molecule that was in the body of a dinosaur.