Is it harmful to drink a lot of water?

The human body consists of 60% water, it would seem that there can not be any harm to water for us, we ourselves, the real "water environment". Water purifies our body of toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism and regulates body temperature. Our body always needs water, it helps to normalize the robots of all vital organs and is involved in almost all processes. Without a doubt, water is extremely important for the human body, but why do some think that drinking a lot of water is harmful?

Is it possible to drink a lot of water and what is the norm?

The usual daily intake of water is about 1.5-2 liters, that is, about 6-8 cups, although the norm is adjusted depending on weight, habitat and the amount of physical activity.

Some experts believe that such a quantity of fluid is needed only for people with a very active lifestyle involved in a particular sport, as well as people with various diseases in order to avoid possible dehydration.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water - real cases

It turns out that there can be a lot of good, too, and excessive water consumption leads to problems with the kidneys and the heart. Even a case of death in 2007 is known. The 28-year-old woman, Jennifer Strange, having drunk about seven liters of water, died as a result of intoxication with water (!).

That is, the answer to the question of why you can not drink a lot of water is very simple. Having drunk an unusually large amount of liquid, you give an unbearable load to the kidneys. That is, excessive and regular consumption of water can lead to kidney disease, and a sharp "march-throw", as it turned out, to death.

Also, excessive water consumption does not affect the robot of the cardiovascular system in the best way. After all, excess water in the body can increase the total volume of blood, and as a result, an undesirable and unexpected strain on the heart.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water thinning?

Consider a very entertaining question - should you drink a lot of water thinning, because we are used to the fact that almost all diets recommend a dose of 2 liters.

There is an opinion that water helps with losing weight and it really is, but again, it all depends on the amount. And we really need to constantly monitor the water balance, in order to avoid dehydration.

But ... Thus it is not necessary to pour in itself another glass of water through force, in order to reach the expected norm. This is unlikely to bring any benefit, but rather the opposite - a real stress to the body.

In addition, we get a considerable dose of water from products, for example, in cucumbers contains about 95%, in watermelon, cabbage and tomatoes, too, a lot. The main thing is to listen to your body and then water (in the right quantities) will only benefit you.