Stewed cabbage - calorie content

Stewed cabbage is one of the favorite dishes of many people in different countries. In addition to excellent taste, this product has a large number of positive properties for the body.

Useful properties of stewed cabbage

With its low caloric content, stewed cabbage has a lot of advantages over other products. Firstly, in its composition a large amount of vitamin C , due to which it perfectly strengthens immunity and helps to fight with various infections. Secondly, cabbage in a stewed manner allows you to quickly and carefully remove toxins and toxins from the body, clean it, and improve the functioning of the intestine.

Calorie content of stewed cabbage

In spite of its dietary peculiarity, when extinguished, its caloric content doubles. So, the energy value of 100 g of fresh product is only 29 kcal, while braised cabbage without oil has a caloric content of 56 kcal. If we are talking about sauerkraut, its calorie content is much less - 48 kcal per 100 g of product. However, it is worth noting that not all people prefer a pickled product to the classic version. In order for the dish to be more nutritious, cabbage is often stewed with meat, caloric content can be from 171 to 449 kcal, depending on the type of meat. The most dietary is the chicken breast. You can extinguish cabbage with mushrooms. The caloric content of this dish is 47 kcal per 100 g. Not far from the caloric value went stewed cabbage with beans - 47 kcal. One of the most high-calorie is stewed cabbage with potatoes. Its caloricity is 140 kcal. Of course, this figure is less than when adding meat, however, and useful proteins in cabbage with potatoes less.

Method of cooking diet stew

In order to properly prepare stewed cabbage it is worth noting that most understand the process of carcass is not true. Extinguishing involves the use of dishes with thick walls, but not a frying pan and the subsequent addition of water to the already roasted cabbage. For cooking, you need only 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying onions. Cabbage at this time finely shred and scalded with boiling water, pre-salt it. You can also use a colander for pouring cabbage with boiling water. Then, shift the onion and cabbage into a container with thick walls and stew with the addition of water over low heat until the vegetables are soft. Do not forget to add water as needed to avoid burning. With such a preparation, the caloric content of stewed cabbage will be only 56 kcal per 100 g.

Diets based on stewed cabbage

There is a seven-day effective diet, based on the use of stewed cabbage . The power plan here is as follows:

  1. Breakfast : 250 grams of milk porridge, a cup of tea (you can add honey).
  2. The second breakfast : 1 fruit or 0.25 l of low fat yogurt.
  3. Lunch : 250 grams of stewed cabbage and a decoction of dried fruits or berries.
  4. Snack : 300 ml low-calorie kefir or ryazhenka.
  5. Dinner : 250 grams of stewed cabbage, boiled fish, chicken or lean beef (150 g), green tea without sugar.

Adhering to this diet can lose 2 to 3 pounds of excess weight without much restraint and fasting.


Do not forget that any product has its negative side. Thus, stewed cabbage can not be eaten by people suffering from chronic and acute diseases of the stomach, intestines, diabetes and impaired renal function. Pregnancy is also a contraindication to the use of this product. For greater confidence, you can align your diet with the doctor watching you.