Melon in the diet

Women who often use different diets, are interested in whether it is possible to eat melon on a diet, because it is very sweet. Let's find out the answer to this question together.

Interesting facts about melon

  1. In the East, melons are consumed before and after the main meal, so that the food is digested much better.
  2. The melon contains the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, C and PP.
  3. Also in melon there are such trace elements: iron, potassium, calcium, sodium and chlorine.
  4. Even in the summer berry contains enzymes: sugar, organic acid and alkaline salt.
  5. In the old days melons were used in medicine for the treatment of the following diseases: exhaustion of the body, anemia and intestinal problems.
  6. In modern medicine, berries are recommended for use in sclerosis, hypertension, and also it helps with diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  7. It is recommended to use melon during exacerbation of hemorrhoids, as it has a slight laxative effect.
  8. Melon in the diet, and in general, increases hemoglobin and activates and increases the effect of antibiotics, and that significantly reduces their harmful effects on the body.
  9. Eat this berry, if you have a cold, it has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory property.
  10. For people with urolithiasis, doctors recommend a 3-day melon diet . This berry perfectly helps to get rid of depression, stress and fatigue. It improves attention and eliminates insomnia.
  11. Melon seeds are very useful, they are excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents. But the daily amount of eaten seeds should not exceed 4 g.
  12. Seeds have a positive effect on male potency.
  13. Melon is often used in various cosmetic procedures, for example, for masks. Perfectly affects the condition of the hair.
  14. The berries contain lycopene and fiber , which are an excellent barrier for aging.
  15. Caloric content of melon - 31 cal at 100 g is ideal for a diet. It is recommended to eat up to 1.5 kg of flesh of this summer berry every day.
  16. Pay special attention to the process of buying melons. Choose a berry, on which there are no black heels and dents. Hit the melon, the sound should be soft. The ponytail of the fetus must be dry.

Melon (during a diet, and not only) is forbidden to people suffering from diabetes, as in the composition of the fruit is fructose. It is not recommended to eat it for people suffering from kidney disease.

How much to eat?

In order not to gain extra pounds, you need not eat more than 1.5 kg of melon per day. Just do not eat it with other foods, but preferably 20 minutes before eating. The only product with which melon is well combined is cottage cheese, so you can prepare a curd-melon dessert for your breakfast.

Diet on watermelon and melon is very popular in the summer season, as these berries are easily accessible and cost very little.

Melon Benefits:

In the summer and autumn season, many women use a melon diet, as well as fasting days on this berry.

Option diet

Menu with a diet on a melon:

  1. Breakfast № 1: 400 g melon.
  2. Breakfast №2: 250 ml of low-fat kefir.
  3. Lunch: 400 g melon, 200 grams of rice and a cup of green tea without sugar.
  4. Afternoon snack: a cup of green tea without sugar, 1 piece of black bread and butter.
  5. Dinner: 200 grams of porridge, a small slice of lean meat and a salad of vegetables.

Unloading days

It is recommended 1 day a week to arrange for yourself a days off on a melon. For 2 months you can get rid of 5 kg. On such a day you need to eat no more than 1.5 kg of pulp and drink up to 2 liters of water, you can also drink green tea, but only without sugar. Summer is the best time to lose weight, so eat melon and lose extra pounds.