Plaque on the tonsils

The tonsils or palatine tonsils are the paired organ of the immune system that lies between the pharynx and the oral cavity and acts as a protective barrier to pathogens in the respiratory tract. If the glands show plaque, it indicates a variety of diseases, and the type of pathology can be diagnosed, given the color, consistency and localization of the layering, as well as the concomitant symptomatology.

Yellow coating on the glands

When the appearance on the reddened and enlarged glands of a plaque having a yellowish tinge, in most cases acute tonsillitis ( angina ) is diagnosed. And in the case of lacunar angina, when the purulent process covers the mouth of the lacunae, the tonsils can almost completely be covered with plaque, which also often extends to palatine arches, soft palate. Obligatory companion of the disease is an increased body temperature.

Gray coating on the glands

Plaque gray, as well as dirty gray, pearly gray, on the surface of the glands may indicate diphtheria. It also increases the temperature, there is a strong weakness, an increase in lymph nodes, etc. In severe cases of angina, gray (dark gray) plaque can also occur due to necrosis of tissues, which are then discarded.

Plaque on the glands without temperature

The appearance of a plaque on the tonsils at normal body temperature often accompanies the fungal lesion, while the plaque has a curdled consistency. Also, the plaque on the glands in the form of congestion, localized in lacunae, may indicate chronic tonsillitis (sometimes other symptoms of the disease are absent).

How to remove the plaque from the glands?

To get rid of the plaque on the glands, should be guided by the prescription of the doctor, which are given depending on the type of pathology. So, in some cases, treatment may include:

With deep-seated plugs, lacuna washing, laser exposure, and in severe cases, surgical methods can be recommended.