Cytomegalovirus infection - treatment

Many diseases give very serious complications, therefore, knowing in advance their symptoms and the way of treatment, it is easier to prevent the consequences that threaten the body. Such a phenomenon, as a cytomegalovirus infection, can have deplorable consequences.

Forms of cytomegalovirus infection

Depending on how the infection is acquired, it can take many forms:



Treatment regimen of cytomegalovirus infection

Treatment of the disease for each form is different, because the same methods of fighting disease of different forms are not always effective.

If you listen to doctors explaining how to treat cytomegalovirus infection, then you should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Latent and subclinical CMVI is not treated by therapy.
  2. The mononucleosis form is treated with drugs that are prescribed according to the symptoms. Specific treatment in this case is not required.
  3. The most effective drug for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in severe disease is Ganciclovir. However, this drug has no less severe side effects, because it is appointed only as a last resort.
  4. The combination of antiviral medications with interferons enhances the effect of both and has a positive effect on the course of the disease.
  5. Immunity with CMV is stabilized with immunoglobulin.
  6. Solutions of aminocaproic acid and furacilin are used to normalize processes in the oral cavity.
  7. If the disease affects the female reproductive tract, then for treatment use ointments:

Treatment of cytomegalovirus infection with folk remedies

Traditional medicine medicines are effective, but often they have a negative impact on various organs and systems of the body, or simply can not completely rid the person of CMV. Because sometimes it makes sense to take advantage of the knowledge of traditional healers. Traditional medicine offers several options on how to cure cytomegalovirus infection. The main thing to take care of is the increase of one's own immunity, since only he is able to overcome cytomegalovirus. Based on this, you can use several recipes:

  1. Insist in boiling water: the herb of thyme, yarrow and string, leaves of the goddess, the roots of leuzea and the bunches, birch buds (take 50 ml three times a day).
  2. The roots of licorice, elecampane, althea, sabelnik, leaves of mother and stepmother and raspberries, as well as flax seeds are used to prepare a broth (take twice a day for 100 ml).
  3. Especially useful for women is steamed in a water bath and an herbal extract: herb oregano , wormwood and thyme, cherry leaves and raspberries, licorice roots, leaves of mother and stepmother and plantain (I drink like tea several times a day).
  4. Infusion from the roots of the primrose, hips and dill, raspberry, nettle and birch leaves, violet and melunion herbs (take 50 ml three times a day).

Sometimes there are people who too late turned for help, and CMV has already become very firmly entrenched in their body. Often in this case, the question of whether cytomegalovirus infection can be cured is answered by the doctors negatively. However, while observing a certain lifestyle, persistent immunity and faith in oneself, it is possible to do this, because even the most effective drug does not help as much as the confidence in a speedy recovery.