Cardiac asthma

An independent disease called cardiac asthma does not exist. This condition, which is characterized by a fairly long suffocating attacks. Usually it occurs against a background of various diseases associated with acute heart failure. Cardiac asthma can last several hours, especially if there is a myocardial infarction .

Symptoms of cardiac asthma

As a rule, the first symptoms are manifested at night. These include:

In addition, cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema can develop simultaneously. In this case, there are additional signs of the condition under consideration, such as blue skin of the face, in particular, the area of ​​the lips and nose. Cold forehead is prominent on the forehead, loud and wet wheezing is heard in the throat. Over time, the patient begins to suffer seizures , vomiting and nausea.

Attack of cardiac asthma causes

The main factor provoking the onset of this condition is the development of acute heart failure. The muscle tone of the left ventricle of the heart is weakened, which leads to stagnation of blood. Because of this, the plasma can penetrate into the vessels of the lungs and bronchi, causing suffocation and swelling.

Cardiac asthma is the first medical emergency

Noticing even a few of the listed signs of the described condition, you urgently need to call an ambulance. After this, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate the condition of the injured person:

  1. Arrange the patient in a semi-sitting position.
  2. Unbutton all the pressing parts of clothes so that nothing interferes with free breaths.
  3. Ensure a constant flow of air, open the balcony door or window.
  4. Measure the person's blood pressure. In the case when the systolic index exceeds the value of 100 mm Hg. You must put a pill of nitroglycerin or other similar medicine under the tongue of the affected person.
  5. Repeat the pill after 5-6 minutes. As an alternative to nitroglycerin, validol can be used.
  6. After 10-12 minutes, it is advisable to apply venous strands (elastic bandages, rubber bands, kapron stockings) to the three limbs of the patient (on both legs and arm). This will help reduce the burden on the heart, as it will reduce the intensity of blood circulation for some time. On the legs, the tourniquet should be placed exactly 15 cm down from the inguinal fold, on the arm - 10 cm down from the shoulder joint. In this case, every 15 minutes, you need to remove the bandage. If there is no possibility to apply a tourniquet, you should at least put the person's feet in hot water.

Cardiac asthma - treatment

Even if the attack is over or significantly weakened even before the brigade of emergency medical care arrives, the patient is likely to be referred to therapy and examination in the hospital. This is necessary to clarify the exact causes and prevent the re-development of this condition.

It is worth noting that the treatment of cardiac asthma with folk remedies is unacceptable, since it is fraught with such negative consequences as severe pulmonary edema. If you do not provide adequate and conservative medical care on time, then the victim can simply lose consciousness and suffocate.