Nemet left arm and leg causes

Numbness of the extremities is a phenomenon that, probably, everyone had to face. Many people consider it quite harmless and not requiring attention. But in fact, some of the reasons that the left arm and leg are numb can be very dangerous. And if you do not eliminate them in time, you will have to face very unpleasant complications.

Why does the left arm and leg grow dumb?

Numbness in the arms and legs is a symptom that indicates the bending and jamming of nerves or circulatory disorders. Characterized by the phenomenon of tingling, burning, sometimes itching and almost always a temporary loss of sensitivity.

It's one thing when the left arm and leg are numb once, and then it happened quite suddenly. And quite another, when unpleasant feelings begin to torment almost every day. The reasons for this may be as follows:

  1. It is best if the limbs are no longer sensitive because the nerve was squashed during a prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. Restore in this case will help a gentle massage.
  2. At many girls the left arm or hand and a leg or foot grow dumb simultaneously at the background of the transferred or carried stress or long reception of the certain medicines.
  3. Promote the appearance of numbness in spine trauma , intervertebral hernia, disc displacement.
  4. Those who spend a lot of time working at the computer, the left hand suffers very often.
  5. Sometimes numbness indicates a lack of vitamins in the body or reduced sugar.
  6. Day or night, numbness of the left arm and leg can signal a violation of the cardiovascular system, in particular, a heart attack.
  7. Negligently, the body is affected by frostbite or overexertion. In many, they are manifested by a sensation of tingling in the limbs.
  8. To avoid numbness, it is advisable to abandon tight shoes.